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2018-08-22 14:13:11 UTC

I am 1/4th native american and 3/4 caucasian, yet I am racist because well... I look white even though I am against any push towards a race war. To me... identity politics is racist and is clear attempt at dividing people so they are forced into tribalism.

2018-08-22 14:13:30 UTC

My favorite heroes were not white

2018-08-22 14:13:33 UTC

They were green.

2018-08-22 14:13:41 UTC

Fucking ninja turtles.

2018-08-22 14:13:55 UTC

Hitler caused Fortnite

2018-08-22 14:13:55 UTC

What is with people that need things to be the same species or race as them

2018-08-22 14:14:01 UTC

heroes in a half-shell

2018-08-22 14:14:01 UTC

my childhood hero was Jackie Chan

2018-08-22 14:14:01 UTC

So stupid.

2018-08-22 14:14:07 UTC


2018-08-22 14:14:15 UTC


2018-08-22 14:14:19 UTC


2018-08-22 14:14:25 UTC

Dude, stop playing on my nostalgia... my heroes wore ghost busting backpacks.

2018-08-22 14:14:32 UTC

also Power Rangers

2018-08-22 14:14:41 UTC


2018-08-22 14:14:45 UTC

Green ranger.

2018-08-22 14:14:49 UTC

I was the red

2018-08-22 14:14:58 UTC

My friend played the white one

2018-08-22 14:15:00 UTC

I can't believe I never realized the yellow ranger was actually a dude when I was a kid

2018-08-22 14:15:11 UTC

>.>... love how they were like Red power, Yellow Power, Black Power, Pink Power, Blue Power, Tiger Power...

2018-08-22 14:15:23 UTC

Oh right, blue is gay.

2018-08-22 14:15:29 UTC

Yeah... so what.

2018-08-22 14:15:35 UTC


2018-08-22 14:15:35 UTC

He was a pretty cool character.

2018-08-22 14:15:42 UTC

I just didn't realize their messaging went that far.

2018-08-22 14:15:44 UTC

wheres White Power? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-08-22 14:15:52 UTC

Yellow ranger was asian and she ded in a car crash

2018-08-22 14:15:59 UTC


2018-08-22 14:16:15 UTC

she was yellow

2018-08-22 14:16:16 UTC


2018-08-22 14:16:18 UTC

Lmao... Wol... exactly. They remembered to omen tiger power instead of white power as white rangers morphing scene.

2018-08-22 14:16:30 UTC

Green was objectively the best because he joined later and had the sweetest zord and the rad dagger flute

2018-08-22 14:16:39 UTC

White ranger was cool along with green

2018-08-22 14:16:41 UTC

The yellow ranger in Japan was actually a guy, they just used a Asian who had small breasts for yellow ranger. :\

2018-08-22 14:16:44 UTC

I felt bad for her.

2018-08-22 14:16:56 UTC

The pink ranger Kimberly was a slut

2018-08-22 14:17:00 UTC

"Asian with small breasts"

2018-08-22 14:17:02 UTC

No way..

2018-08-22 14:17:05 UTC

How did they find such a thing

2018-08-22 14:17:09 UTC

Lusting over the Green D.

2018-08-22 14:17:10 UTC


2018-08-22 14:17:14 UTC

Lmao Miss...

2018-08-22 14:17:18 UTC

And red

2018-08-22 14:17:27 UTC

She she love the christmas D.

2018-08-22 14:17:50 UTC

Dragonzoid will always be my favorite zoid.

2018-08-22 14:17:56 UTC

wants it in her front hole?

2018-08-22 14:18:17 UTC

Seriously... if they wanted to be more offensive with that term, they should have just called it Fisherman's Split.

2018-08-22 14:18:31 UTC

It's beginning to feel alot like ~~christmas~~ fucking august in Texas

2018-08-22 14:18:37 UTC

Front hole is kind of an ableist term TBH. We shouldn't discriminate against those with diverse body types

2018-08-22 14:19:22 UTC

Ugh... I am fine with people being whatever they want, but I wish they stop trying to change English language to suit their needs and shoving all these ideas down my throat with laws and shaming.

2018-08-22 14:20:02 UTC

She no longer hates white people

2018-08-22 14:20:10 UTC

she no longer anything

2018-08-22 14:20:11 UTC
2018-08-22 14:20:12 UTC

so don't use the new terms? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-08-22 14:20:12 UTC

It's cultural artificial selection. People aren't adapting what they want naturally, so they try and force it on everyone

2018-08-22 14:20:15 UTC


2018-08-22 14:20:33 UTC

@LotheronPrime did you just assume her gender ? Wtf bro not cool i demand an apology

2018-08-22 14:20:52 UTC

Well new terms can be created, but banning people from using old words and force them to use the new terms is straight up wrong.

2018-08-22 14:20:58 UTC

That is akin to book burning.

2018-08-22 14:21:07 UTC

I did

2018-08-22 14:21:13 UTC

and will continue to

2018-08-22 14:21:20 UTC

no apologies

2018-08-22 14:21:21 UTC

If the goddamn plebs would just do what we tell them to we wouldn't need to ban them!

2018-08-22 14:21:22 UTC

look at crippled people

It used to be like:

Unlucky person, then Cripple, then it became an Invalid, then Handicapped, then Less Abled, Limited Mobility, and now its called a Hero

2018-08-22 14:21:31 UTC

Your alt-right h REEEEEEE

2018-08-22 14:21:59 UTC

How a lefty thinks ^

2018-08-22 14:22:31 UTC

I am still weary of European Union... lately it feels like they been trying to gain access to American taxpayer money.

2018-08-22 14:22:41 UTC

I really love Matt.

2018-08-22 14:22:42 UTC

I remember this...

2018-08-22 14:22:46 UTC

And how high his eyebrows can go.

2018-08-22 14:22:50 UTC

(Really high you guys)

2018-08-22 14:22:59 UTC

(He's like the Stretch Armstrong of eyebrows)

2018-08-22 14:23:05 UTC

I @Scribblehatch watching that vid now

2018-08-22 14:23:20 UTC

i think europe is right in regulating google and other tech giants

2018-08-22 14:23:24 UTC

Dude doesnt have a forehead he has a five head

2018-08-22 14:23:39 UTC

If your eyebrows can go higher, tell me so I can call you a FUCKING PHONY AND LIAR!!!

2018-08-22 14:23:49 UTC

Fuckin' phonies...

2018-08-22 14:26:09 UTC

First they attack words, then they ban books, before they alter textbook history, next they would tear down statues, they will then find a justification to take away your guns, which leads to them silencing you, and finally no one will notice that you are gone because no one can report on it.

2018-08-22 14:26:28 UTC

@Deleted User a lot of European regulation has to do with content policing

2018-08-22 14:26:56 UTC

say something bad about islam in the UK and see how long it takes for the thought police to show up

2018-08-22 14:27:25 UTC


2018-08-22 14:27:29 UTC

Banana Republic kangaroo court thing that happen to Tommy Robertson proved that.

2018-08-22 14:27:34 UTC

they are doing it anyway

2018-08-22 14:28:24 UTC

i knew a person that had a sock puppet and botnet with vpns that ended in the uk, he rented his army to politicians

2018-08-22 14:28:27 UTC

Y'know what I really look forward to.

2018-08-22 14:28:27 UTC

specially the left

2018-08-22 14:28:33 UTC


2018-08-22 14:28:39 UTC

Did you guys see the South Africa thing going on? Why is news media organizations afraid to report on that!? Seriously what is keeping them from bringing it to the forefront of people's minds and allowing justice to be shown.

2018-08-22 14:28:44 UTC

By the end of this presidency, the ability to kill a reputation by calling racist/sexist will TRULY be dead.

2018-08-22 14:28:54 UTC

afraid or more like actually really racist

2018-08-22 14:28:56 UTC

I'm so happy that wolf has been called too many times.

2018-08-22 14:28:56 UTC

they're not afraid, they lie by omission, they just don't report it so people don't know

2018-08-22 14:29:03 UTC

Oh how I can't wait to see that happen.

2018-08-22 14:29:32 UTC

They are doing a major disservice to Blacks and Jews by destroying those terms, making it so they don't have any meaning anymore.

2018-08-22 14:30:11 UTC

I think those terms should only be used when the person is deserving of that label.

2018-08-22 14:30:18 UTC

in their eyes Blacks are rock bottom already, so it doesn't matter

2018-08-22 14:30:21 UTC

Sadly now it is becoming nothing but a name calling.

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