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2018-09-07 23:36:30 UTC

probably because such articles are inconvenient

2018-09-07 23:36:43 UTC

It is like the articles and facts regarding this been purged.

2018-09-07 23:37:10 UTC

Man, that sounds like the Official Rockstar Games page for GTA V cheat codes disappearing on me.

2018-09-07 23:37:11 UTC

Like it has been censored

2018-09-07 23:37:14 UTC


2018-09-07 23:37:16 UTC

This was talked about during 2012.

2018-09-07 23:37:26 UTC


2018-09-07 23:37:44 UTC

if you're trying to use modern media as a source, just remember that we have always been at war with Eurasia

2018-09-07 23:38:08 UTC

they can and will stealth edit/remove articles to suit their purposes

2018-09-07 23:38:27 UTC

anyways, I should sleep - night all

2018-09-07 23:39:04 UTC

Yeah but I am looking for information regarding mexico's illegal immigrants sending money home to mexico..

2018-09-07 23:39:09 UTC

Supplimenting Mexico's GDP.

2018-09-07 23:39:14 UTC

That information is gone.

2018-09-07 23:39:19 UTC

Like straight up erased.

2018-09-07 23:40:04 UTC

This guy linked the article about illegal immigrants taking money from IRS.

2018-09-07 23:40:07 UTC

The link is now completely gone.

2018-09-07 23:40:11 UTC

It has been erased.

2018-09-07 23:40:25 UTC

I see secondary information about it with links that lead to dead ends now.

2018-09-07 23:40:29 UTC

Articles have been deleted.

2018-09-07 23:40:46 UTC


2018-09-07 23:40:52 UTC

It was a article from business insider.

2018-09-07 23:40:55 UTC

Censorship again

2018-09-07 23:40:57 UTC


2018-09-07 23:41:05 UTC

As always

2018-09-07 23:41:54 UTC

All information regarding this seems to be gone...

2018-09-07 23:41:58 UTC

I have no references anymore.

2018-09-07 23:42:22 UTC

Its weird, it is only centered around Mexico-United State illegal imigration.

2018-09-07 23:42:31 UTC

well cant back up your facts if you cant find the infomation on it

2018-09-07 23:42:35 UTC

The other nations that are part of illegal immigration drain is not gone.

2018-09-07 23:43:09 UTC

id say that its unfortunate that they did this to you to suppress the information

2018-09-07 23:43:28 UTC

others would have said that you are pulling info out of your ass and linked to fake news

2018-09-07 23:43:33 UTC

Also I know it is not really helped that at one point the migrant workers who lived in Mexico could go to the US, work, & go back to Mexico, before they were just told they either stay, or they go back & never come back. As it turns out the migrants then just decided to be immigrants after that ultimatum.

2018-09-07 23:44:03 UTC

I am just annoyed I can find any references anymore.

2018-09-07 23:44:11 UTC

Facts that I seen and known about, now they are gone.

2018-09-07 23:44:20 UTC

I had to delete all the references in my bookmarks because of this.

2018-09-07 23:45:22 UTC

We need to enforce 1A in the internet

2018-09-07 23:45:31 UTC

It is essential to our survival

2018-09-07 23:46:30 UTC

The only reason it's even a question

2018-09-07 23:46:35 UTC

What is a A1? Isn't that DVD region locking codes?

2018-09-07 23:46:37 UTC

Is that all the other countries got internet at the same time.

2018-09-07 23:46:42 UTC

Or, all of them with electricity.

2018-09-07 23:46:45 UTC

First ammendment @da britian

2018-09-07 23:47:17 UTC

make 1A worldwide

2018-09-07 23:47:20 UTC


2018-09-07 23:47:32 UTC

It makes sense from a human stand point

2018-09-07 23:47:50 UTC

Free speech to everyone

2018-09-07 23:50:13 UTC

But it is from Top Right News.

2018-09-07 23:50:15 UTC


2018-09-07 23:51:13 UTC

What is wrong with it

2018-09-07 23:51:20 UTC

Wonder what happen to PEW.

2018-09-07 23:51:22 UTC

Like TRN

2018-09-07 23:51:28 UTC

Illegal immigrants... people who shouldn't be here in the first place.

2018-09-07 23:51:38 UTC

Putting a 21.6 billion dollar drain on United States Economy.

2018-09-07 23:52:05 UTC

That is a pretty hefty price tag to care for people who are NOT citizens.

2018-09-07 23:52:05 UTC

Okay mark, how is a wall supposed to stop them being able to transfer money back to Mexico?

2018-09-07 23:52:28 UTC

It doesn't stop them, it slows them down to a managable level.

2018-09-07 23:52:40 UTC

Where we can actual handle the numbers of illegal immigrants coming in.

2018-09-07 23:53:37 UTC

You erect a dam to hold back a flood water that will flood your town. A metaphor.

2018-09-07 23:53:49 UTC

There is no way to completely stop illegal immigration, but we can manage it better by slowing it down to a trickle.

2018-09-08 00:01:11 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-09-08 00:01:13 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-09-08 00:02:33 UTC

It does not really, form the article Rouqen posted:

Migration might have slow down, but it aint denting the the money transfers. The wall is going to barely put a dent in this problem of money getting sent to Mexico.

2018-09-08 00:04:50 UTC

That money transfer is from people who are already inside.

2018-09-08 00:05:02 UTC

We don't want the number to grow at a rate we can't manage.

2018-09-08 00:05:13 UTC

So that is why we have two agencies.

2018-09-08 00:05:21 UTC

Ice who finds and deports those inside United States.

2018-09-08 00:05:30 UTC

And Border Patrol who keeps people from getting in.

2018-09-08 00:05:38 UTC

The Border Wall help add a third layer to those defense.s

2018-09-08 00:05:59 UTC

Or helps replace aging border walls that are partially complete or decaying.

2018-09-08 00:19:30 UTC

I dunno, the thing for the wall for me is it just does not seem practical or effective for what it is trying to accomplish, it's effectiveness against illegal immigration is as far as I can tell utterly overblown.

2018-09-08 00:22:06 UTC

Also let us not forget the Anarchist bombings in the US that threw more oil on that fire:

2018-09-08 00:25:43 UTC

Whoops, I confused the Red Scare With the Red Terror, that is a bit embarrassing.

2018-09-08 00:26:38 UTC

pretty crazy tho... lenin survived a shot in the neck

2018-09-08 00:28:39 UTC

I always wonder what a USSR under Leon Trotsky rather than Stalin would be like considering how badly Lenin did not want Stalin running the show.

2018-09-08 00:29:53 UTC

Lenin was no saint. Plenty of blood on his hands. Communists have done a bang-up job of sanitizing the record though.

2018-09-08 00:31:33 UTC

"Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity ... You must make example of these people. (1) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known bloodsuckers. (2) Publish their names. (3) Seize all their grain. (4) Single out the hostages per my instructions in yesterday's telegram. Do all this so that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble, and tell themselves that we are killing the bloodthirsty kulaks and that we will continue to do so ... Yours, Lenin. P.S. Find tougher people."

2018-09-08 00:32:24 UTC

They heap all the blame on Stalin in order to cleanse Lenin and Trotsky and canonize them.

2018-09-08 00:32:38 UTC

But they're all the same type of monster.

2018-09-08 00:33:51 UTC

You know, one of the worst things the Germans in WW1 seemed to have done is sending the Communist revolutionaries into Russia.

2018-09-08 00:35:20 UTC

Though the WW1 Germans also carried out collective punishments on their enemies' civilian populations.

2018-09-08 00:36:15 UTC

One of the worst things the Germans in WW1 did was not shoot von Hotzendorf and take command of the Austro-Hungarian army.

2018-09-08 00:38:14 UTC

I have a lot of unconventional thoughts with respect to WW1.

2018-09-08 00:38:39 UTC

Most of them involve shooting von Hotzendorf.

2018-09-08 00:39:12 UTC

Is shooting Hotzendorf for strategical error or for humanitarian disasters under him?

2018-09-08 00:40:17 UTC

Pretty much the entire war can be blamed on his incessant war-mongering and criminal incompetence.

2018-09-08 00:41:41 UTC

Military generals of Nazi Germany were military genius... :\

2018-09-08 00:41:46 UTC

I hate to admit.

2018-09-08 00:41:59 UTC

Begrudingly I have to give them credit for today's military tactics.

2018-09-08 00:42:16 UTC

We use their blitz tactics for our tanks.

2018-09-08 00:42:21 UTC

"The hawkish Conrad, a pure social Darwinist, was spoiling for a war to smash the Serbs. According to Strachan, Conrad urged war on Serbia 26 times between Jan. 1, 1913, and June 1, 1914. Conrad hated Russia too, which supported Serbs because they were fellow ethnic Slavs."

2018-09-08 00:43:08 UTC

You know... a lot of military geniuses were from empires lead by evil people.

2018-09-08 00:43:11 UTC

Wrote constant letters to the Emperor advocating war, and the only guy who would argue against him was shot by a Serb.

2018-09-08 00:45:34 UTC

On the German side of things, they went along with von Hotzendorf's warmongering because they wanted an excuse to cripple Russia before they could fully industrialize. And their pre-war assessment was completely correct: had Russia been left to their own devices in ten years the Germans would not be able to defeat them.

2018-09-08 00:45:53 UTC

Though I know one of the biggest issues the Nazis suffered was the detrimental degree they valued ethnic & political purity, so they ended putting Nazis in charge of things, not because they were competent, but because they were Nazis, the air force was one of them suffered for this.

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