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2017-11-02 04:29:39 UTC

@The Inquisitor [โ˜ง]
I didn't make the design.

I'll ask the guy who makes em to get something more hi deg

2017-11-02 04:29:42 UTC


2017-11-02 04:30:25 UTC


Military is already gearing up, so there must be a legitimate concern on a national level.

2017-11-02 04:31:40 UTC

Military also geared up for us and nothing popped off because we were smart enough to pull out when we found reason to believe it was set up to be a legal trap. If people are smart they prepare, but it doesnt always mean the outcome is that of the plan.

2017-11-02 04:32:29 UTC


"Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it" sorta scenario, imo

2017-11-02 04:35:05 UTC

I heard the military is full of feds. No joke

2017-11-02 04:35:54 UTC


2017-11-02 04:38:21 UTC

@RaHoWa Ryan woah man no joke? Thats crazy!

2017-11-02 04:39:49 UTC

Meh, a lot of military are on our side. Their men have gotten a lot more cucked as the years have progressed, but "military being [actual] feds" is a bit far fetched.

2017-11-02 04:41:02 UTC

They are! Dont you ever get on facebook?

2017-11-02 04:42:55 UTC

Not in a bit...

2017-11-02 04:43:24 UTC

If the military is that compromised, then all the more reason for us to be prepared.

2017-11-02 04:43:59 UTC

The military is pretty pro-Trump.

2017-11-02 04:44:24 UTC

Feds are generally against Trump.

2017-11-02 04:44:25 UTC

Thats because trump has placed a large positive outlook on the military.

2017-11-02 04:44:31 UTC

Either way fuck trump

2017-11-02 04:44:34 UTC

I mean not /ourguys/

2017-11-02 04:44:52 UTC

But I doubt they'll fight onside with MUH POC MINOIRTIES OF COLOR LIBErATIONS

2017-11-02 04:45:23 UTC

@Rhino1488 fuck drumpf

2017-11-02 04:47:01 UTC

Just look at how many of our goys are's a pretty large percentage. Statistically speaking, I'd say many military guys are on our side.

2017-11-02 04:47:07 UTC

at least to a degree.

2017-11-02 04:48:06 UTC

They might not be "Russian Orthodox Neo-Communist Nazbols"

2017-11-02 04:48:27 UTC

But they're usually pro-Freedom of speech, and that sort of stuff.

2017-11-02 04:48:57 UTC

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY

Don't worry, we will start the Cossack Division here in White Afghanistan.

2017-11-02 04:49:08 UTC

A lot of people might not be on our side, but at least they get where we are comign from.

2017-11-02 04:49:12 UTC

minus the nazbol gayness

2017-11-02 04:49:14 UTC

Check a youtube comments after a rally.

2017-11-02 04:55:08 UTC

Check this shit out, the comments at least.

Fuck argueing with the "alt-right" and go ahead and drop some more redpills in the comments.

2017-11-02 04:55:26 UTC

Check out the comments on here, regarding Matt's speech:

2017-11-02 04:55:38 UTC

People are swallowing the redpill, slowly but surely.

2017-11-02 04:55:56 UTC

Link to the video?

2017-11-02 04:56:00 UTC

That's just the news page

2017-11-02 04:56:45 UTC

Well, just read the news page.

The dude is pretty well known here, and is becoming more and more radicalized.

I'll find the actual video, though

2017-11-02 04:57:11 UTC

Oh didn't know if you had the link to the video on FB itself.

2017-11-02 04:58:44 UTC

I can't link the actual post, but Matt's speech is probably 7 threads down. Mostly good reacts, except the Lefty trolls (even the guy who runs the news site is positive about what Matt says).

2017-11-02 05:02:22 UTC

I love how that Jew got off the mic to play music over Matt lmfao

2017-11-02 05:17:55 UTC

Guys. It's an honor to be struggling with all of you. By God I see the end of capitalism and communism as clearly as I see you.

2017-11-02 05:18:18 UTC

It's surreal we are here. Doing this now in history. And winning. Our Party. We will be victorious.

2017-11-02 05:18:28 UTC

The Will to Power.

2017-11-02 05:57:02 UTC

"Dress like boarding school twinks, wave around weimar germany's flag and don't be provocative" -Adolf Hitler, 1933

2017-11-02 08:34:58 UTC

>be a Bowl Patrol Discord member practically since its inception
>miss out on whatever BS drama caused @Fevs to be over there no longer
>find out you're both TWP
>participate in IRL activism with him

2017-11-02 08:35:05 UTC

Zaine, you're good people fam. You too @โ˜ฆColton of Yoreโ˜ฆ

2017-11-02 08:52:42 UTC

Thank you sir.

2017-11-02 08:52:52 UTC

Is your name William?

2017-11-02 11:25:00 UTC

2017-11-02 11:25:34 UTC

anyone know this guy? i guess he was attacked. need to get intouch. what do. i thought he was KKK maybe

2017-11-02 11:26:58 UTC

He have dues money as a twp at Henry Horton

2017-11-02 11:37:22 UTC

2017-11-02 11:37:29 UTC

Sweater that RooshV is putting out lol

2017-11-02 11:46:19 UTC

So you remember after Gainsville

2017-11-02 11:47:17 UTC

Where 3 guys had to defend themselves and allegedly shot at antifa.

So the fucking dipshit that hit their car was some ARA fucker.

2017-11-02 11:49:26 UTC

2017-11-02 11:49:26 UTC

2017-11-02 11:50:06 UTC

2017-11-02 11:50:43 UTC

[REDACTED] might be his name as well

2017-11-02 11:59:21 UTC

@Chad Radkersburg-ND He used to be NSM.

2017-11-02 11:59:29 UTC

What happened to him.

2017-11-02 11:59:35 UTC

He is a good guy.

2017-11-02 12:33:51 UTC

Opticocks seem to claim to follow the teachings of Pierce.

2017-11-02 12:34:11 UTC

Pierce never said to attack others for going their own way.

2017-11-02 12:52:41 UTC

Oh and about the military, they did research and found 25% of our military sympathizes with us, that's around 300,000, including one major fleet admiral who declined to give his name.

2017-11-02 12:57:49 UTC


2017-11-02 13:21:56 UTC

This is about the first time ever I've heard optics cucks bring up Pierce

2017-11-02 13:22:24 UTC

I thought the turner diaries were too hardcore for them?

2017-11-02 13:24:07 UTC

Pierce did say people needed to loon good and stay smart but at the same time he said there was a place for Skinheads and โ€œrevolutionaryโ€ minded people

2017-11-02 13:24:19 UTC

Look good **

2017-11-02 13:25:08 UTC

How does a guy with a job defend his NS politics as simple political & racial advocacy when there is a person next to him throwing a Roman salute?

2017-11-02 13:25:39 UTC

Yeah, I agree with him for the most part with that I just find it funny they now bring him up when most of these guys rarely ever (if at all) talk about him

2017-11-02 13:25:54 UTC

He had a 3 year System he wanted highclass smart people to be manners of the National Alliance but he did direct others to other organizations and the current holder of the National alliances assets is a 1.0 skin head Mr Pringle that is a ginnsnith and a good guy

2017-11-02 13:27:25 UTC

Mr Pringle was one of Dr Pieceโ€™s peotoches and has spent over 50k of his own money to get the NA compound and property back form the Fed that stole the organizationafter the Dr died

2017-11-02 13:28:19 UTC

And I know for a fact that Mr Pringle Supports the TWP he has stated so and offers Heimbach help in West VA

2017-11-02 13:31:18 UTC

@KarlKuhl this brings up Dr Pierce again he said if you are afraid of what others will think do you being a revolutionary stay home because you must be willing to stand for your views or you donโ€™t really believe them

2017-11-02 13:31:55 UTC

He says This constantly on American daisatnet voices

2017-11-02 13:32:09 UTC

It really is too bad Pierce passed when he did though, if he was still around I wonder if the movement would be a couple years ahead of where it is now

2017-11-02 13:32:19 UTC

Saying the big problem with the movement was people being to scared of being outed and others

2017-11-02 13:32:43 UTC

And of what normies think of them

2017-11-02 13:33:48 UTC

I highly recommend every one get the American Disatent voices CDs and listen to them

2017-11-02 13:34:25 UTC

Yeah, definitely worth a listen

2017-11-02 13:35:04 UTC

I've listened to a lot of his old broadcasts on youtube, funny how about everything he said 15 years ago applies to us now

2017-11-02 13:35:20 UTC

I did, and I am ever bit as committed to NS as you are. I will have nothing to contribute economically or otherwise if I am unemployed. I was at cville and cooksville btw.

2017-11-02 13:36:12 UTC

It's unbelievable how knowledgeable he was despite the internet not being as developed as it is now

2017-11-02 13:36:20 UTC

The guy who got fired by McKee/LilDebbie was he yours or IE?

2017-11-02 13:36:55 UTC

Then I hate to stay this either cover you face or stay home. Also we are working on jobs programs for Comrades that louse their jobs

2017-11-02 13:37:27 UTC

Being Doxed isnโ€™t the end of the world it was freeing for me.

2017-11-02 13:38:32 UTC

@HueTheHand I do not mind assisting w/ that.

2017-11-02 13:38:33 UTC

Even is no one was going the Roman salute the people that want to destroy us would still call you a Nazi and try and get you fired

2017-11-02 13:39:04 UTC

Exactly. Fuck trying to appeal ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-11-02 13:39:12 UTC

The job creation is critical, and Id like to make thes companies pay a price for firing people because of political beliefs. They dont pay a price for it. That's possible.

2017-11-02 13:39:19 UTC

There have been Proud boys fired for being in photos of proud boy gatherings

2017-11-02 13:39:46 UTC

I hate unions but this is one places unions help us

2017-11-02 13:40:02 UTC

Wen I was Doxed I couldnโ€™t be fired do to being a union member

2017-11-02 13:40:18 UTC

Pierce's current "followers" disgrace him.

2017-11-02 13:40:26 UTC

Yeah, getting in unions if possible sounds like a great idea

2017-11-02 13:40:38 UTC

Yeah, good idea.

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