
Discord ID: 274535531927568384

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2017-08-19 06:09:19 UTC

I've never known Eli to lie about something like that, but I'd need evidence

2017-08-19 06:09:50 UTC

overall just be cautious all around. A healthy skepticism is a good thing

2017-08-19 06:09:56 UTC

@Chad Radkersburg-ND you know I'm down crimson chin

2017-08-19 06:09:59 UTC

At any rate. I shouldn't be awake right now. Good night, TradWorker Party.

2017-08-19 06:10:32 UTC

The disavowal is fucking gay

2017-08-19 06:10:54 UTC

He shouldn't have said that publicly, but we all know a lot of us are saying that privately

2017-08-19 06:11:10 UTC


2017-08-19 06:11:20 UTC

he's playing the optics game

2017-08-19 06:11:27 UTC

Hell, I got a normie trump supporting family member to admit she had it coming

2017-08-19 06:11:34 UTC

I doubt it's an uncommon view

2017-08-19 06:47:17 UTC

recent show enoch and monoxide ran a train over that mountain

2017-08-19 07:04:27 UTC

Thhoo kool

2017-08-19 07:04:47 UTC

So apparently Kessler actually was hacked

2017-08-19 07:05:31 UTC

2017-08-19 07:05:42 UTC

By one of our own, no less

2017-08-19 07:06:13 UTC

This is fucking bullshit and a strategic blunder

2017-08-19 07:41:47 UTC

lol, I thought Kessler didn't cuck out for once in his life, should've known lol

2017-08-19 07:42:25 UTC

cucking the kesseler cuck in 6 parsecucks

2017-08-19 07:44:19 UTC

Well, got a demo in a few hours due to the whole stabbing thing, wish me luck

2017-08-19 08:07:43 UTC

No Weev is just giving us plausable deniability I bet

2017-08-19 11:06:58 UTC

@James#0143 weeding out cucks is never a strategic blunder smh

2017-08-19 11:34:42 UTC

What are the best books on National Socialist political and economic theory other then Mein Kamph

2017-08-19 11:38:05 UTC

Those damned Nazis by Goebbels is good

2017-08-19 12:14:19 UTC

Omfg if one more Storemer or IE fag tells me that TWP needs to change our optics and change from black uniforms I'm going to bitch slap one one

2017-08-19 12:14:35 UTC

lol, dont let me stop you

2017-08-19 12:16:12 UTC


2017-08-19 12:16:59 UTC

Good morning sir

2017-08-19 12:21:35 UTC

Look at this shit gerrr !!!!

2017-08-19 12:33:47 UTC

This is the shit I'm putting up with from stormers ..

2017-08-19 12:34:18 UTC

"Commitment to a dead political ideology in a rigid two party system is a losing strategy. We have an already established political party with databases of potential voters, donors, big name people to talk about us. Ive worked in politics as have many people in our group. The GOP is the way to go. I'm not concerned with uniforms and ideologies. I'm concerned with taking power and using it to benefit my race"

2017-08-19 12:35:03 UTC

"Matt needs to stop wearing all black"

2017-08-19 12:35:25 UTC

"Believing in a political system and basing a party overtly on that in a country which defeated it isn't gay, it's just not working and won't work"

2017-08-19 12:41:11 UTC

Hue, The Dynamics of war and revolution might be useful because it explains why capitalism doesn't work, and suggests that national socialism is the answer to the problems of capitalism/ democracy.

2017-08-19 12:42:16 UTC

I know every AI goes NatSoc lol

2017-08-19 12:42:27 UTC

@Wally I'll look up the book

2017-08-19 12:47:04 UTC

@Wally who is the author ?

2017-08-19 12:49:37 UTC

I think it was Dennis Lawrence, it has been a while, but I still remember it

2017-08-19 12:58:47 UTC

Everyone who uploads videos about the truth behind Charlottesville have their videos removed

2017-08-19 12:59:09 UTC

I keep sending diff links and most of the time i get an response saying the video has been removed

2017-08-19 12:59:15 UTC

no Lawrence Dennis, Hue

2017-08-19 12:59:18 UTC

Its such bullshit

2017-08-19 12:59:41 UTC

Cant have the truth circulating out there! That would be bad!

2017-08-19 12:59:44 UTC


2017-08-19 12:59:58 UTC

Fuck these jews, man.

2017-08-19 13:00:36 UTC

Really, wow, that's bullshit

2017-08-19 13:02:08 UTC

But the truth is going to come out

2017-08-19 13:02:41 UTC

We are going to have bigger rallies

2017-08-19 13:03:18 UTC

We are going to have a million people out there

2017-08-19 13:03:41 UTC

We will have our own homeland

2017-08-19 13:04:05 UTC

There will never be white genocide

2017-08-19 13:04:14 UTC

It will come with struggle for sure

2017-08-19 13:04:30 UTC

We will breed like rabbits

2017-08-19 13:07:44 UTC

I enjoy your enthusiasm

2017-08-19 13:07:48 UTC


2017-08-19 13:07:53 UTC

Put it on vidme for time being

2017-08-19 13:07:57 UTC

And liveleak

2017-08-19 13:34:56 UTC

What is the stormers most current URL now they still using .lol or ?

2017-08-19 13:38:29 UTC

They were as of last night

2017-08-19 13:41:31 UTC

Yes, it's still active there

2017-08-19 14:07:17 UTC

2017-08-19 14:10:54 UTC


2017-08-19 14:40:06 UTC

"Respect muh NAP, guys!"

2017-08-19 14:40:52 UTC

I like it though

2017-08-19 14:51:19 UTC

Do good arguments against anarchoncapatalism violate the nap?

2017-08-19 15:01:46 UTC

Hello brothers

2017-08-19 15:01:59 UTC

Henlo frend

2017-08-19 15:13:09 UTC


2017-08-19 15:14:23 UTC


2017-08-19 15:15:48 UTC


2017-08-19 15:39:06 UTC

@BlackWulf and yes they seem too, they also trigger the hell out of Cantwell haha

2017-08-19 15:41:15 UTC

Don't let the PR cuckolds bother you though, you'll never get so popular there wouldn't be some spineless cuckold telling how bending over backwards for kike media and the leftists is "good optics".

2017-08-19 15:42:38 UTC

Some cuckold on Altright Discord suggested donating to the dead commie because "muh optics". These are the sort of people who would start a demonstration by apologizing if anyone ever gave them any responsibility. They reek of weakness, cowardliness and lack of trust in their own ideas, nobody is attracted to that.

2017-08-19 15:48:55 UTC

Well at least stormer and murdoch murdoch are back

2017-08-19 15:49:06 UTC

Yup ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2017-08-19 15:49:29 UTC

Hopefully (((Goolag))) doesnt attempt another Shoah.

2017-08-19 15:49:39 UTC


2017-08-19 15:50:00 UTC

(((OyVey.exe Intensifies)))

2017-08-19 15:50:00 UTC

Also is rwds apparel legit ?

2017-08-19 15:50:18 UTC

Someone posted a duterte shirt from there earlier

2017-08-19 15:52:28 UTC

I bowl AntiFA gets ugly at this alt light rally so the country can see much "Nazis" had nothing to do with CVille

2017-08-19 15:52:52 UTC

there is like 100 times more leftists this time than the last Boston Rally, nuts...

2017-08-19 15:53:21 UTC

like a sea of communist zombies

2017-08-19 15:54:17 UTC

Asked on faceberg why people were protesting the free speech rally and they said it was white nationalist I mentioned a quarter of the people speaking may be jewish and cant be a white nationalist by definition they lost their shit

2017-08-19 15:56:35 UTC


2017-08-19 15:59:13 UTC

There is also a black and a Indian from India and 2 Latinos

2017-08-19 16:03:27 UTC red elephants one keeps going down

2017-08-19 16:07:06 UTC

Periscope is a shit app

2017-08-19 16:07:14 UTC

That's likely why

2017-08-19 16:14:57 UTC

well where there are huge rallies with shit tons of people

2017-08-19 16:15:06 UTC

data gets all congested as well

2017-08-19 16:15:18 UTC

seen this many times at rallys all over the US

2017-08-19 16:15:50 UTC

that and we know the cops and government have tools they can use to fuck with cell service as well

2017-08-19 16:30:55 UTC

Its boston thencell service is garbage on alot of carreiers

2017-08-19 16:31:04 UTC

Tmobile is the only good one here

2017-08-19 16:33:23 UTC theres always some retarded hippie with fucking drums

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