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2018-03-03 15:42:57 UTC

i think George helped carry it out but was not the top guy

2018-03-03 15:43:07 UTC

He was taking orders from higher ups

2018-03-03 15:43:20 UTC

Allen Dulles and James Angleton

2018-03-03 15:43:50 UTC

Would Allen Dulles be under Angleton or th other way around

2018-03-03 15:44:03 UTC

who was top dog?

2018-03-03 15:44:23 UTC

no i don't think so

2018-03-03 15:45:20 UTC

George was just following orders

2018-03-03 15:45:41 UTC

operation 40 was involved also

2018-03-03 15:45:43 UTC

Iโ€™m with you.

2018-03-03 15:46:02 UTC

Gerry Patrick Hemming

2018-03-03 15:46:22 UTC

Nixon set up Operation 40

2018-03-03 15:46:38 UTC

Murder Inc.

2018-03-03 15:46:48 UTC

I got to go

2018-03-03 15:46:58 UTC

message me

2018-03-03 15:47:02 UTC

take care

2018-03-03 15:47:04 UTC


2018-03-03 15:47:27 UTC

I feel jfk was a turning point and the DS has been prominent ever since.

2018-03-03 15:53:50 UTC

When was the last Q posting? Has there been a long dark spell in the past couple months?

2018-03-03 15:54:58 UTC

well other summaries re the JFK more or less stated that LBJ had kennedy taken out

2018-03-03 15:56:13 UTC

and odd and suspicious circs. of George HW Bush at that point in time, all of which implicate him as complicit in the project to take the POTUS out

2018-03-03 15:58:18 UTC

last Q post was 23rd. Feb, but why do you suggest the past couple of months ?

2018-03-03 16:00:58 UTC

I have been following passively for the past few months. I dont recall a pause this long. I didnt suggest anything? My question was based on past posting history. Is this longer pause normal.

2018-03-03 16:04:54 UTC

only about a week now

2018-03-03 16:05:07 UTC

some missions take longer to act on, some short

2018-03-03 16:06:05 UTC

i think the question is now, do we keep converting the masses with our offline proof that the deep state couldn't purge before we dl'd it, or wait on the hair thread for q to return

2018-03-03 16:07:11 UTC

during this crisis of the purge of anything non-liberal msm narrative, i think going out to the ppl with offline proof would be the best idea

2018-03-03 16:08:16 UTC

keep coping vids, re-upping them to alternative media sites or even on multiple acc's on yt to stop the censoring

2018-03-03 16:08:27 UTC

or at least evade the censoring

2018-03-03 16:08:55 UTC

sounds like a plan, and of a former military man ?(?)

2018-03-03 16:09:06 UTC

ya, i'm former military

2018-03-03 16:09:39 UTC

keep the red pill from getting bleached out

2018-03-03 16:10:11 UTC

and that gives you insight and credibility given POTUS ' established faith and teamwork with the military

2018-03-03 16:10:19 UTC

lose an acc on yt, no problem, get alternate email and make a new one and upload more red pill stuff

2018-03-03 16:11:33 UTC

old saying was better dead than red, that was in reference to commie red, now it's better red than dead in reference to red conservative

2018-03-03 16:12:42 UTC

me and my bros can barely stand each other, but we all served in the military

2018-03-03 16:13:00 UTC

agreed @SirW00f; a number of sources viewed long ago listed the front line weapons against the cabal(S) / black hats Illuminatti members with (?) swollen elongated heads were

2018-03-03 16:13:17 UTC

higher level consciousness

2018-03-03 16:13:42 UTC

the internet and the shapr edge of the double edged sword that goes with it

2018-03-03 16:13:48 UTC

gee, and i thought they were just grey aliens

2018-03-03 16:14:17 UTC

guess we now know why alien anal probing was a thing, they were horny

2018-03-03 16:14:17 UTC

oh grey, red, 50 shades of greys

2018-03-03 16:14:26 UTC

the aliens anyways

2018-03-03 16:15:39 UTC

so for now it is clear that from a tech base, the use of key words, key phrases in combo with algorithms

2018-03-03 16:15:48 UTC

are their front line weapons

2018-03-03 16:16:20 UTC

well, add censorship; the modern day digital burning of the books

2018-03-03 16:17:53 UTC

the versatility and options offered by the i'net are equal to the task of combating / confusing / diverting their attacks

2018-03-03 16:18:07 UTC

and so here we are

2018-03-03 16:18:53 UTC

from somebody else -

2018-03-03 16:19:26 UTC

hey y'all WAKE UP\

2018-03-03 16:20:11 UTC

if every digital device didn't have offline storage options, then they could effectly erase history on the digital level

2018-03-03 16:20:43 UTC

and rewrite the truth to their narrative

2018-03-03 16:21:16 UTC

quite, and well we know Q emphasised store offline, which we (and other truthers) have been doing afaik

2018-03-03 16:21:18 UTC

someone wanted this??

2018-03-03 16:22:35 UTC

truthers swallow q, while msm spits q

2018-03-03 16:23:05 UTC

bbiaw - afk

2018-03-03 16:28:39 UTC

a satan worshiper and an islamic radical walk into temple, 1 says to the other, did u bring the sacrifice or was i supposed to do it

2018-03-03 16:31:36 UTC

I am really enjoying the haikus.

2018-03-03 16:34:33 UTC

proper road sign between dem and rep voters

2018-03-03 16:35:47 UTC

so goes the myth of the 2 party tyranny? Well that's politics ?

2018-03-03 16:36:19 UTC

i think i'd be more worried about calf with 1 party only

2018-03-03 16:36:45 UTC

but then, he who we don't say his name, and Shillary: saw a pic of those 2 gazing into each others eyes with broad cheeky smiles

2018-03-03 16:37:11 UTC

no rivalry there

2018-03-03 16:51:42 UTC

News flash: the good guys dont win out over evil/corrupt, at least not globally. And not for very long locally(in the U.S.). Best we can hope for is to see some earthly justice before the Rapture.

2018-03-03 16:56:20 UTC

@Saintlady9. Feels like good is trying to thrust its hand to the surface for the third and last time, like a drowning person.

2018-03-03 17:11:08 UTC

Interesting take, but to me the "who?" doesnt really matter. World events are like theater, oft times tragic and heartbreaking, sometimes laughable, e.g. taking Israels land away/negotiating peace with palestinians. Not going to happen.

2018-03-03 17:16:28 UTC

@mrmark Agree!? After week of family in hospital, starting research again .

2018-03-03 17:18:24 UTC

2018-03-03 17:18:27 UTC

@Jganny Hope all is well with family

2018-03-03 17:20:53 UTC

2018-03-03 17:21:08 UTC

๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž Dustin's mention alongside top dogs in Zero Hedge!!! "Corsi's ban follows several other accounts known for conservative or non-mainstream opinions, including Anti-School, Bombard's Body Language, Charlton, Charles Walton, Defango, Dustin Nemos, David Seaman, Destroying The Illusion, Ron Johnson, Richie Allen, and Titus Frost."

2018-03-03 17:21:28 UTC

Better for a short time spent about year in hospitals with husband 4 surgeries
Now 90 year old mom
Prayers help

2018-03-03 17:23:10 UTC

Is this what is being pushed today.

2018-03-03 17:23:45 UTC


2018-03-03 17:23:57 UTC

Got it

2018-03-03 17:24:03 UTC

lol. didn't want to impose work on those who didn't ask for it.

2018-03-03 17:25:40 UTC

volunteers have folks who do this specific work getting it out there, and working with a team. We'd love to have anyone who wants to help and can be relied on with some regularity. ALL ABOARD! We are The Train. Some will get hit. Headlines will read, "They Didn't See it Coming." ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-03-03 17:27:47 UTC

Maybe when most of the avenues to red pill people(besides one on one personally) are shut down, there will no longer be reason to delay the landfall of the storm!? I'm always trying to find an upside to things. Ha

2018-03-03 17:49:15 UTC

@Jganny. Since I dont know His will for your situation, will pray you find strength and comfort in the fact that He loves you unconditionally , and nothing happens outside His permissive will.

2018-03-03 18:13:35 UTC

Some Tracy Beanz videos are missing

2018-03-03 18:13:49 UTC

mrmark, thank you. Couldn't get through 1 day without the strength of Jesus

2018-03-03 18:19:48 UTC Dont think you can be online and they dont know who you are. Using TOR in 2011 i had both a mac and pc go down. Apple actually swapped out for a new computer since i had applecare.. if you are fighting this fight know that it is real and you cannot stay anonymous.

2018-03-03 18:20:20 UTC

State dept funded FYI

2018-03-03 18:42:46 UTC

Taiwan receives direct threats of war from China over United States passage of Travel Act -

2018-03-03 18:43:43 UTC

Listen and take what you can to protect your own channels because its coming to you. We have a duty to wake people up to this attack on our freedom


2018-03-03 18:45:02 UTC

Is it true that Discord has a backdoor? I heard that from Citizens Investigative Report on youtube? Btw, Discord...that is actually not a good word if you think about it..

2018-03-03 18:58:37 UTC

#GREATWAKENING My red Pill moment was the Kennedy Assassination. I was only 16 at the time but I did not trust what was reported because I was watching live when it happened and saw him hit from the front. I saw the driver turn around. I saw Jackie's reaction. I was absolutely horrified. My thoughts then were that if "they" can do this to our President, what can they do to us, the citizens.

2018-03-03 18:59:51 UTC

One thing to know about Sessions. When he announces he'll be starting an investigation, its been ongoing for at least a year.

2018-03-03 19:02:15 UTC

put this together for yall, @MPatient and speak of the devil

2018-03-03 19:12:17 UTC

Is 8chan down?

2018-03-03 19:19:23 UTC

Iโ€™m trying to open a gab account and I keep getting a username format invalid. Please help anyone.

2018-03-03 19:23:50 UTC

@Nailgirl65, just type your desired user name. Do not use "@"

2018-03-03 19:24:20 UTC

Both ways got same invalid

2018-03-03 19:24:41 UTC

Iโ€™ll try again , ty

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