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Welcome to the Totally not TradWorker server, we come here to discuss how much we hate fascism and how much we LOVE FUGGIN CATS.
To begin the vetting process, please ping @ mods and you'll start your process to gain entrance to the server.
Thank you and Hail Victory!
fuck gotta turn that off
Not first btw you're just not allowed to see previous messages
Can you check pinned messages? Does that work?
Theyโre always talkin shit
Fuck em
Race mixing
The only guys i know are the ones that were in Shelbyville or know us NC niggas
I actually am not going to have a mic for over a week @FashyGoy1488 Can you do me a favor and talk to this guy in voice chat to make sure he's cream of the crop
I can do that
Even if you don't know anyone IRL, remember that you're never truly alone
Also @everyone Try to keep this channel CLEAR this is for welcoming and vetting new individuals
I don't know what's happening
I just clicked a link without reading
This will eventually be the new TWP server
Is the plan
Guys need me to leave or
What VC? TNT or TradWorker ?
Nah it's not JUST TWP members
This VC
Iโm in
Am I allowed
Can you hop in and talk to my broski
My phone should work
Everybody is allowed if they get vetted :^)
@VasilistheGreek QUIT
the server or VC
That's mod stuff
RIP vasilis 2018-2018
@VasilistheGreek Can you get back in the voice channel so I can unmute you
Real quicc
@Owenson You're one of the guys that came with Johan to that event in knoxville right?
Or well you're WITH johan so that's good nuff
That was fun
Yeah I'm the new AR Major
I guess
Something about me being fine
so johan did you account get ban again?
Johan isn't in here
Hello my fellow federal agents
@Maximus @RaHoWa Ryan Are either of you registered with TWP already or know an officer in person?
If not, there's a process to enter the main server, for security reasons
Uhhhh. I talked to Heimbach at Shelbyville. dont know if he would remember me tho. Im in Vanguard
I really like African Americans
me too. far cheaper than a John Deere. Then again a John Deere cant rape my waifu
In vanguard? Good enough for me
@Fash Dragon Literally who are you, looks like a rat to me
Amren borthers glad to be in this gardening group
I like gardening
My favorite plant is... Strange Fruit
I'm really offended that we don't also like fuggin unicorns
why would we not like unicorns?
we DO just not as much as CATS MAN
@RexLexus Where are you located again? You're already connected with officers right?
No what's really good is OWLS
Gotta be like Harry Potter amirite guys
Harry Potter is life omg
I'm so slytherin
If you're not hufflepuff get out of my server
Soooooo, does this replace the other one, or is this for actual members?
Both in due time lol
voldemort is based
I wouldn't actually know because I've never read the books or seen the movies
I just know he's all about that wizard purity. Gas the mudbloods
Also his archenemy was a gay
I actually love Harry Potter, leftists took it over though.
I can't love it anymore
Do get emotional over Hagrid's paternal role in Harry's life though
The first two were kinda cool
It got real gay real quick though
By Phoenix it had been VERY politicized
CGI also made it kinda gay as I remember
Voldemort went from being your basic evil wizard to being bald Hitler
Guys I'm so hufflepuff
It was kinda cool when they just had shitty props rather than CGI everywhere, that just seems to be in general though
CGI is for globohomo
Back when I was hella into it I actually got Slytherin on the website
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