Discord ID: 273580986149896192
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My gf and I signed up this afternoon
"Nationalist time" sucks get your shit together damn
Everyone quiet
Gather your wounded
Go back to the lodging
Wait for email and instruction
It was another Charlottesville
A bloody massacre
Yes I was the first man in and the last man out
This is Johan btw my phone is dead
They made us march right thru 600 of them
Nice restraint? I dropped 10 mother fucksrs
I cleaned the street with those fucks
We won the fight
@Mai your husband is fine just. Moody knuckles
Just bloody*
He did he even saved my ass
When I got hit with the rock
No we have many injuries
John got his ear drum busted and his head busted open
We did good and our boys fought hard
No PF fought with us
They were in the shit
They did
60 vs 600
Mosby is ok busted ear drum act
I got a black eye and shit
But we beat those Nigger loving commies down
Johan out
I'll charge my phone and send updates as they come
Yeah I'm the new AR Major
Sorry @johanC I couldn't help myself lol
Yeah she's with me
Confirm @Tabikat17
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