Message from @Fash Dragon
Discord ID: 420384362748444674
@RexLexus Where are you located again? You're already connected with officers right?
No what's really good is OWLS
Gotta be like Harry Potter amirite guys
Harry Potter is life omg
I'm so slytherin
If you're not hufflepuff get out of my server
Soooooo, does this replace the other one, or is this for actual members?
Both in due time lol
voldemort is based
I wouldn't actually know because I've never read the books or seen the movies
I just know he's all about that wizard purity. Gas the mudbloods
Also his archenemy was a gay
I actually love Harry Potter, leftists took it over though.
I can't love it anymore
Do get emotional over Hagrid's paternal role in Harry's life though
The first two were kinda cool
It got real gay real quick though
CGI also made it kinda gay as I remember
Voldemort went from being your basic evil wizard to being bald Hitler
Guys I'm so hufflepuff
It was kinda cool when they just had shitty props rather than CGI everywhere, that just seems to be in general though
CGI is for globohomo
Back when I was hella into it I actually got Slytherin on the website
@Justin Burger (Major-GA)
>leftists took it over
Lol no
Read some of the shit that the faggot author writes on twitter
She breathe, she a THOT
Leftists didn't take it over, it's always been theirs. The bad guy just wants purity, and Harry Poofter wants degeneracy
first movei basically every student was white
one token black wizard
Should we start referring to normies as muggles to piss off leftists
then by the third it was pozzed
Fash dragon is a ngr and fuck thots
where lie