Norman GA

@PF-105977 RocketChat ID: 2bjrZDrbBZJhtAiCH

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I’m only an hour and 30 minutes away from Kennesaw if you want to meet up

Yeah, we’ll just meet some other time then. I work till 9pm Friday night and it sounds like your schedule is already full

Move back lol

Welp, if you ever move back and need a room mate I’ll be available. I just need room mates who are ideologically similar and I can say nigger around lmao





Yeah I might get $100 worth of swag

speaking of which, did Thomas get back to you about your order?

Hey, is the photo editing channel still down?

Just want to make sure I'm not forgotten

Also, Arthur and Jackson said that the interviewee server is loaded

Any GA guys apply?

Gotcha, super hyped man

Gonna put in a big order before we get a bunch of new people so hopefully my order arrives in a timely manner

That's actually a great idea

Hey, Lawrence had a great idea. Why don't we all put money into a big order and split it?

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Sweet, how much do we all want to put in? $50 each?

I’ll be there

Congratulations man, I knew you would be the network director for Alabama

A basic run down that happened

Christopher AL is now the ND for Alabama

Some other promotions were handed out

And in 2 days rocket chat won't be available for mobile

The Athens region


Where do y’all want to meet for the 18th?

I was thinking stickers since it'll be a while till the next event to drill

Welcome James OR


Yeah, speaking of that @Jackson GA, any luck?

Damn, hopefully we get some more here.


Hey, Thomas. Can you add me to the life style change channel?

Be helped. I was supposed to be added weeks ago but never was.

Mainly need it for exercise advice and what not


I can not

Thank you

Hey, Norman. Can you help me reach my goal and set a deadline for the lifestyle stuff? I’ve been running in the morning since I want to meet the 9 minute 1 mile requirement first. Currently my time floats around 12:00-13:30 minutes. My diet right now has been mainly chicken, fish, broccoli, and rice. I cut out all soda and been drinking mainly water and %2 milk. I don’t know how much I weigh or my body fat %

If I had to do a rough estimate my weight it probably like 180 and I can’t begin to guess my body fat %

Raw milk?

Where do you get raw milk?

Tf it’s illegal? So like a farmer’s market might have it?

Got it, I’ll try the farmer’s market first this weekend


Also, what should my deadline be?

Gotcha, tonight when I get off work I’ll buy a scale to give you a more accurate number on my weight and I’ll do an hour run

I’m free on the 8th and I should have enough PTO time by the 21st

Welcome @Grant AL

Holy fuck dude, I’m way fatter than I thought I was. I clocked in at 193lbs and I’m 5’10”

Just got done with my hour run, legs are on fire

Some cheap ones from Walmart


Gotcha, I don’t have daily access to a trail, but I can do a track

I’ll look at going to the Nike store tomorrow and getting some running shoes from there

Should I eat after running? I have some Mahi Mahi and rice I was planning on making tonight

Also, just looked at the exercise guide and it looks like I probably have about 35% body fat

Wait a minute, I had a trail in my town this entire time and I didn’t even know

Will do, I’ll go there in the morning

Like praying?

I am

I have not completed it. I was hurting for money from being out of work and my surgery, I am now financially sound. Can you resend the list so I can grab the materials?

Just got done with my hour run and said a prayer before and after the run. Also, I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app per requirement of the fitness guides. Here is my meal plan for today, if you can please help add on or take off what I need and don’t need


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I know the coffee with creamer isn’t the best, but I hate the taste of black coffee

Gotcha, I’ll forgo the coffee for today

What else should I add for food? I still have 1000 calories left for the day

I still got some Alfredo Pasta that I could eat for dinner

Was just looking at the McDonough area and saw it had a lot of parks we could go stickering at

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Final meal plan for the day

Any criticism?

That looks really cool

Don’t worry, I make my own sauce from scratch. I have a recipe that I found a while back and love using

Band name: The Founding Sons

I like those flames on that torch

more aggressive

We’re you on the first truck out?

Hey, when should I post my weekly update for the lifestyle channel? Should I wait till Tuesday? Or just post what I do everyday like everyone else?

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Hey, I still need access to the mumble

Hey, Thomas. Can you grant me access to the mumble?




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