
RocketChat ID: SyuMPT6ePdqW8NeCf

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@ChristopherVA @WilliamTX either of you available for another room?



only two guys it looks like

Roger that; we can nab 718080 even though he ready'd before official open

on it


@WilliamTX remind me to talk with you about a guy Benjamin MI is trying to get in after this, he's having login issues and you may know more than I about diagnosing such a thing.

@WilliamTX gonna hit the firearm statement in a second

Based Reaganite?



Not me said the flea

RT, I'll circle back if he's good on this one

awfully long time thinking

Sounds like good things


@WilliamTX ideologically incomp

Huguenot - "a French Protestant of the 16th–17th centuries. Largely Calvinist, the Huguenots suffered severe persecution at the hands of the Catholic majority, and many thousands emigrated from France."

@WilliamTX cutting after the end of this q

We appreciated your candor despite admitting that you've never done anything like this. You seem very genuine and your motive for joining is righteous. We would advise you to read the manifesto more closely.

@all Interviews have concluded for the night. Interviews are conducted every night at 8PM CST.

Roger that, I will look into it.

What's going on with the spreadsheet? Everything 12/9+ is missing..

I'm good to go now, thank you for the sanity check!

@Interviewee-560818 check your messages shortly



You should be receiving a message within the day, I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

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