(DM) Thomas & Ryan FL

RocketChat ID: 6DeCDfoTEkwnbzdWBn8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

I'm back on my rocket, thanks for for help

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Great seeing you out there man, Hope to meet again some time 👌

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Hey, I read in announcements you're in need of Interviewers? What's the process of applying for this role?

Thomas @thomas

Those spots have been filled. No worries.

Ryan FL @PF-894324


Ryan FL @PF-894324

I'm not sure if Lawrence filled you in about my unique situation but I've got an update on it
Sent out for a replacement birth certificate just now.

Thomas @thomas

Keep hard at work there. You are going to reinvent yourself into the man history demands you become. You need to be in the position to help the next man down the line.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Understood, Sir.
That's the plan.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

My birth certificate arrived

Ryan FL @PF-894324

I paid for an extra copy just incase

Thomas @thomas

Very good. Every step forward is a success.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Indeed, I have my birth certificate and the package it came in can be used as proof of residence

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Which I can put towards my ID

Thomas @thomas

Very good. How's weight gain and exercise?

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Weight gain and exercise are pretty decent, I'm going to order some weight gain dietary supplements and I have a 12lb bag of mass gainer in my Cabinet. Going to take advantage of those things.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

I'm doing about 10 push-ups a day and increasing it over time

Ryan FL @PF-894324

I'm currently weighing 115lbs at 5'9

Ryan FL @PF-894324

My goal is 150

Thomas @thomas

Very good. Keep it going. Should start at 30, not 10, work your way up to 50 as soon as you can. Even if it takes you an hour and a half.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Understood, doing some training right now.
I don't know if you'd like to use this for sons of Columbia or not but heres something I took

Ryan FL @PF-894324


Thomas @thomas


Ryan FL @PF-894324

Of course, brother

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Hey, where could I possibly buy one of those Navy blue shirts with Reclaim America on the back?

Thomas @thomas

None are currently in production.

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Roger that

Ryan FL @PF-894324

I need verification in the mumble chat

Thomas @thomas

The instructions say to message @Vincent TX

Ryan FL @PF-894324

Roger that, my apologies.

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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