(DM) Brandon CA & Thomas

RocketChat ID: NcobGsENpx8k9xaW3n8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Any word on the gear list for the December event?

Brandon CA @PF-2922


Brandon CA @PF-2922

Any word on the address I need to take my travel party too once we have all landed at the airport?

Thomas @thomas

Message @Vincent TX

Thomas @thomas

Inform every single person you know of who may or may not be leading a travel party, driving, etc. Anyone, who may need it, to ask him for the address as well.

Sound good?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Roger, will do.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Thomas, in regards to the mole, Vincent WA, one of the AZ lads have dug up legal code in Washington that makes it illegal to doxx or cyberstalk someone. We pointed this out to Tyler WA who was doxxed and he was wondering if we had and lawyers for or in the Org that could be used.

Thomas @thomas

I saw the article. I reported it and others have also. Any information he has is all he's getting. Everyone in the area needs to double down on their security and I need to know how he got these people's info in the first place.

We don't want to discuss measures of response until we are settled with the matters at hand. The legal system won't help us, and we should rather spend the money ensuring our men's safety.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Thomas Vincent WA still has mumble permissions and seems to still have access to Rocket chat and decided to pop in right when we were about to start a meeting on mumble. We need him removed.

Thomas @thomas

RC account is locked. Logins are mine. Mumble is fixed. Keep people calm.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Roger that

Brandon CA @PF-2922

I'm not software expert but Vincent WA did upload a file to mega with the photos from the White Mountain hike that I sent to Mason. So maybe a computer bug is in there. Just wanted to point that out just in case.

Thomas @thomas

He would have taken the photos, so what is the bug there?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Thomas I just wanted to bring something to your attention because it is a bit fishy. Before the mumble meeting that Vincent WA popped in on to gloat the other day one of my lads said Vincent WA ate BBQ like a faggot at the White Mountain trip. Then later Vincent WA popped into the mumble meeting and commented on the individual who called him a fag for the way he ate BBQ. Question is how did Vincent WA know that was said, he is not in nor ever was in our regional chat.

Thomas @thomas

Roger that. Will relay.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Thomas just so you are aware, Antifa just released another Doxx, this time of Leo OR, just popped up on one of their multitude of channels I've been monitoring.

Thomas @thomas


Thomas @thomas

Being shared around for reports.

Thomas @thomas

Fits mold of existing infil theory.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

You talking about Vincent WA or another possible infil?

Thomas @thomas

The former.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Gotcha, Roger that

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Hey Thomas, I'm really sorry for missing the meeting, due my holiday work schedule I'm working 10 hour days, 6 days a week until Christmas and I didn't have the opportunity to listen in at work. Who should I ask for a summary of the meeting?

Thomas @thomas

I will post notes when I get a chance.

Thomas @thomas

Tell me what you know about Norman. Anything that comes to mind.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Well Norman CA is up in Northern California, young kid, 17 years old and still in High school. He joined roughly a month ago so very recent addition to the California region. He attended the Western drilling event set up by Jon UT back near the end of November and also attended the recent D.C. event. He in person interviewers (Josh, Paul and Christopher CA I think we're all there) had good things to say about him from the interview.

Thomas @thomas

Thank you.

Thomas @thomas

Same for Logan. Tell me what you know.

Thomas @thomas

Josh as well. I know he's been around for awhile, but nothing strange on his part?

Thomas @thomas

And Nathan, he's local to you, yes?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Working right now, but I will give you answers regarding all that as soon as possible today.

Thomas @thomas

Has Norman reached out to you in any way?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

I'm a part of the investigation team?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

And as to your question no I do not have alternative communication channels with him and nobody else does to my knowledge either. Though I can go and check among the others to be sure if you want?

Thomas @thomas

Negative, you're helping them, though.

Yes, please do.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Copy that I'll do all I can to help.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Alright I have messaged everyone in my regional chat with the exception of those that have "read only" on their DMs currently. I'm awaiting responses and will forward their answers to you this evening when I get back from work.

Thomas @thomas

Carl CA reactivated. Keep an eye on him.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Copy that will do.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Also got replies back finally about others having comms with Norman off Rocker chat, posting now.

Thomas @thomas

Can you get me a rough map of where the members are located in CA? Just put dots on a state map. I don't need names or exact cities.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Individuals with Communications with Norman CA outside of Rocket Chat
Travis CA: Negative
Fredrick OR: Negative
Gary CA: Negative
Alexander OR: Negative
Nathan CA: Negative
Paul CA: Negative
Logan CA: Negative
Brandon CA: Negative
Bryan NV: No Reply Yet
Josh CA: Affirmative (Alternative Communication platform with Norman CA is Telegram)

Notes: From Josh CA, Josh CA has stated that he knows Norman CAs real name and where he lives. Josh CA has also provided screenshots of their Telegram talks if you would like them.

Thomas @thomas

I would.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Uploading now

Brandon CA @PF-2922
Missing attachment: J & N Telegram Chat 1.jpg
Brandon CA @PF-2922
Missing attachment: J & N Telegram Talk 2.jpg
Brandon CA @PF-2922
Missing attachment: J & N Telegram Talk 3.jpg
Brandon CA @PF-2922

That is all that he has sent me, here is a screen shot of the details I asked Josh CA over Rocket Chat about any sort of conversation with Noman CA.

Brandon CA @PF-2922
Missing attachment: Screenshot 1.PNG
Brandon CA @PF-2922

I'll update you when Bryan NV gets back to me. Is there anything else I should be looking into in the mean time?

Thomas @thomas

Has Norman not said anything to Josh in the meantime?

Thomas @thomas

Nevermind, checked dates. Disregard.

Brandon CA @PF-2922


Brandon CA @PF-2922

Gotcha, I'll put that together tonight about to leave for work in 40 mins right now. I'll also have a day off tomorrow so I will be able to respond more rapidly then.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Update on Bryan NV: Negative

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Here is the map of the Southern California activists. Some dots are approximate than others.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Southern Map.PNG

Southern Map.PNG
Brandon CA @PF-2922

In regards to Northern California I only know where Christopher CA roughly is. I can go and ask the others to put together approximate map for you or you can ask Josh CA he would now the approximate locations of the Northern California lads better than me.

Thomas @thomas

Make a statewide map with dots a little bigger please. Confer with Josh.

Brandon CA @PF-2922


Brandon CA @PF-2922

Would you want Travis CA or no since he is very rarely in California due to his job. He is more of a Travis USA member at this point.

Thomas @thomas

He has to receive mail somewhere.

Brandon CA @PF-2922


Brandon CA @PF-2922

Alright just got to figure Travis out and I'll have everyone

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Inked California map.jpg

Inked California map.jpg
Brandon CA @PF-2922

There is a extremely rough approximation of locations. Is this map acceptable?

Thomas @thomas

Five in north, five in south. It's acceptable.

Brandon CA @PF-2922


Thomas @thomas

Who is our best POC in the north?

Brandon CA @PF-2922

I would say Josh CA, I've been trying to train him up by giving him so leadership tasks here and there so he can eventually take over leading Northern California so they don't need to be under the stewardship of the us Southern lads forever.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

Any other tasks you need me to complete? Now is the best time since I'm free all day today.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

I also have been doing a little bit of investigating myself into recent events and would like to present some ideas to you to tighten up security to prevent future doxxes.

Thomas @thomas

Interview Script and Meeting Intermediates have already been updated. Tech updates are proceeding across the board (why the servers keep going down), and all angles have and are being investigated. Event planning changes will be prototyped at the upcoming M4L events.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

This has more to do with camera protocol then that other stuff and I feel you should just be aware of this situation. Because I reviewed the Doxx of Paul CA to see what sort of information Vincent got a hold of and I saw that not all the pictures in the doxx were pictures that Vincent WA took. I'll type out the details here.

Thomas @thomas

Yes, organizer gives and takes SD cards at the end of events. Only me and Mason have access to raw pictures and video.

Brandon CA @PF-2922

1 or 2 of the photos, from what I could see, of the doxx file were photos from Logan CAs MEGA folder for the event. Upon seeing this I immediately contacted Logan CA and asked him if he gave out the media files of the hike to anyone else besides me and he said yes and that Vincent WA had messaged him after the hike and requested to see his photos so they could "compare shots" as Vincent WA put it since they both were cameramen for the hike. To be clear I don't suspect Logan CA did this intentionally but did it due to lack of experience being a new member and not given proper instructions on the matter. I told Logan CA after finding this out that media files should only be given to you, Mason TX or myself if I'm the party lead for an event. So my suggestions were to make sure SD cards are taken in the future and instruct members not to share media files around, outside of approved individuals, of events if for some reason they have them. But it looks like you got that covered. I have the screenshots Logan CA sent me of Vincent WA contacting him if you need those also.

Brandon CA @PF-2922
Missing attachment: Evidence.png
Brandon CA @PF-2922

Just wanted you to be aware of that security protocol flaw so you could shore it up in case you had not already.

Thomas @thomas

Roger that.

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