Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: G7qAnH3EqWLkdRiQD


:pushpin: NOTICE :pushpin:
General Attendance Meeting Security Breach
We have a small team doing checks on a number of points of intelligence, but we need a larger force of verification to whittle down this list of names. Our infiltrator is hiding in this list. Of that we are certain. This is every name that showed up in the meeting early, before the server was reset. A full 100 names.

Direct Message me with the names that you can CONFIDENTLY, and beyond any shadow of a doubt remove from this list, and they will be removed. Do not just strike names from the list because you know a guy, or he is active, or he helped with something. Our other infiltrator was active, and moderately well known. This one may not be so obvious.

<br>Kevin CO<br>Vincent KY<br>Marshall OK<br>Aaron SC<br>James TX<br>George TX<br>Jesse AR<br>Logan NC<br>Johnny ID<br>Wilson CO<br>John VA<br>Ethan OH<br>Ben CO<br>Christopher AL<br>Bryan NV<br>Vincent TX<br>Adam NY<br>Ben MD<br>Adam TX<br>Paul TX<br>Mike RI<br>Lawrence FL<br>Marcus NC<br>Vincent AZ<br>David WA<br>Jesse CO<br>Clarke IL<br>Logan UT<br>Lee KY<br>Carter MO<br>Adam SD<br>Alexander PA<br>John MN<br>Cecil OK<br>Francis MI<br>John WA<br>Alexander OR<br>Vincent VA<br>Hugh AL<br>Alan MI<br>William TX<br>Sam OH<br>Randolph IL<br>Johnny MN<br>Sam MN<br>Rex VT<br>Logan TX<br>Ryan OH<br>Jack AZ<br>Eric PA<br>Sean KS<br>Mark PA<br>Eric MI<br>Zach MO<br>Nicholas OH<br>Steven TX<br>Patrick TX<br>Gabriel IA<br>Sam MI<br>Michael IN<br>Austin TX<br>Logan CA<br>Adam PA<br>Wilson TX<br>Frederick OR<br>Oscar TX<br>Gabriel WV<br>Nick NY<br>Benjamin MI<br>Jason NY<br>Patrick NC<br>Andrew WY<br>Billy TX<br>Ulysses FL<br>Leo MO<br>Josh NH<br>Marcus WA<br>Wayne NY<br>Jeffrey OH<br>Walter OR<br>Daniel TX<br>Robert NJ<br>Nathan TX<br>Christopher VA<br>Matthew MN<br>Benjamin OH<br>James UT<br>James AL<br>Robert IL<br>Sean AL<br>Ryan PA<br>Jesse GA<br>Jon UT<br>Brian NC<br>Clarke OK<br>Peter MN<br>Grant MD<br>Jason TX<br>Adam IN<br>Oscar ID<br>Josh CA<br>Tyler CT<br>Norman GA<br>Robert IN<br>