Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: JLKcvdbTWYLxwp2Lt

:pushpin: NOTICE :pushpin:
:baby_symbol: :mega: March For Life Event Attendance and General Information :mega: :baby_symbol:
Our two March For Life events are coming up. Plans for these will be ongoing as they are largely responsive to the plans of the marchers there. The aim is to be more understated, friendly, in smaller groups, and get as many flyers out as possible. Other more regimented options are on the table as well.

The dates/times are:
M4L Chicago: Sat, Jan 8, 1 p.m.
M4L DC: Fri, Jan 21, 1 p.m.

As for travel planning, plan to have the day on either side of the event itself made available. If there are some issues with that, it may be alright. We will evaluate the options of having centralized camp/lodging versus all showing up the morning-of. A decision on that will be made shortly.

See the large red and blue highlighted quadrants of the above map. The area highlighted in red is to be compelled to go to the event in Chicago. The area in blue is the same for Washington. The NW's/members in both are going to do their best to attend one, both, either. This can be coordinated among the members themselves. Especially in Washington, we will be implementing and prototyping a number of new and improved security practices so ensure, beyond any doubt, that our members and their property will be safe.

Start collecting your head counts now. I will be forming tight circles of planning for these two events to aid in my work, you will be enlisted for such matters soon if you will be occupying a special role. Ask any questions you may have now.