Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: jCwKPED4vsggyuvyS

@Marshall OK @NS - Grant MD

This is an ex-member who is siding with anything but us because he's upset he got removed years ago. He had every opportunity to grow alongside the organization but chose to cry and scream and gnash his teeth in the face of moving onwards. He heard some vague rumors and blows them out of proportion because he's spiteful.

His hatred will mildew in his rotting heart for the rest of his life. His identity is now defined by the very collective which rejected him. Instead of looking inward, he clung to the only things that made him inadequate. He will never know struggle, or success. Only a slithering wander, sluggishly making his way to the grave, leaving a snail trail of bile and spittle to be his only legacy.

Clarifications for you guys (not to post):

1. I didn't force the driver to do anything. I was asleep myself, and had no conversations with the driver in any time around the incident. It was a unfortunately relaxed standard which was based on a single person's reliability, and sometimes mistakes are made and others are unaware. Any fault is forgiven absolutely because the driver himself was the one who brought help to the scene.

2. Many members went to his funeral and some maintain contact and support with his family.

3. I wasn't in a coma, I did not defecate in a bag. I was in anesthesia for surgery. I used a standard toilet for solid waste after some time in the hospital, and only once because I did not eat while I was there, thus not requiring such measures. I did have some tubes placed into my abdomen but they were not connected to my digestive tract, but to some wounds which were healing.

4. Semantics, but there was no cliff. If the vehicle went off a cliff no one would have survived. It was a standard embankment. He's exaggerating and vulgar-izing ever aspect of the story because he has no respect for tragedy and would gladly see more good men die if only to have a good story against me.