Message from @Scribblehatch

Discord ID: 487848981720727552

2018-09-08 04:53:33 UTC  

They want collapeable folder hierarchy that's easy to rearrange and apparently it NEEDS to be a word processor

2018-09-08 04:53:52 UTC  

And even when you look for them they won't look at anything you send them

2018-09-08 04:53:57 UTC  

Save yourself the time

2018-09-08 04:54:15 UTC  

Collapsible folder hierarchy? I don't know what that is sorry

2018-09-08 04:54:25 UTC  

Like a file explorer

2018-09-08 04:54:34 UTC  

I ain’t a fan of Mac either, but why should I trust the judgement of a man who urinated on a keyboard?

2018-09-08 04:54:37 UTC  

How you can collapse the folders

2018-09-08 04:54:47 UTC  

Yeah I don't know if a word processor can even do that right?

2018-09-08 04:54:53 UTC  

Maybe some can

2018-09-08 04:55:05 UTC  

Folders are outside of the word documents though

2018-09-08 04:55:09 UTC  

But unless you write them a tutorial they won't listen anywayd

2018-09-08 04:55:26 UTC  

Think of it like an HTML div

2018-09-08 04:55:36 UTC  

You can collapse and move it around

2018-09-08 04:55:43 UTC  

They just want it for text

2018-09-08 04:56:08 UTC  

Yeah I don't think I know how to do that. Sorry!

2018-09-08 04:56:16 UTC  

I do but they won't listen

2018-09-08 04:56:41 UTC  

Oh, yeah, that's pretty dumb, I'd listen to Dog tbf

2018-09-08 04:56:42 UTC  

I've linked solutions they refuse to even try

2018-09-08 04:56:52 UTC  

I've blocked dogass for a reason.

2018-09-08 04:57:20 UTC  

He's trying to help, though. I feel like blocking him is kind of unnecessary

2018-09-08 04:57:41 UTC  


2018-09-08 04:57:52 UTC  

He has too much ego involved in it.

2018-09-08 04:58:00 UTC  

"Why do you want what you want. Who the fuck are you. WHY?"

2018-09-08 04:58:04 UTC  

These things are irrelevent

2018-09-08 04:58:39 UTC  

These questions are endless when asking someone like him for directions.

2018-09-08 04:59:01 UTC  

I mean you're strawmanning him a little there, he was more trying to prove if it's that important to you you should just take his advice, or maybe he was trying to find out if there's a more efficient way to help you get the job done

2018-09-08 04:59:13 UTC  

>I have an ego
>You refuse to even listen to me

2018-09-08 04:59:16 UTC  


2018-09-08 04:59:18 UTC  

Well I have my reasons for seeking out the specific thing I'm looking for.

2018-09-08 04:59:25 UTC  

No one gets to hear the reasons.

2018-09-08 04:59:33 UTC  

Too much time wasted.

2018-09-08 04:59:36 UTC  

He's talking from a place of knowledge though, so hey, I'd work with him

2018-09-08 04:59:46 UTC  

Otherwise we waste even more time

2018-09-08 04:59:59 UTC  

This is everyday when you work IT

2018-09-08 05:00:02 UTC  

yall petty fucks get over yourselves

2018-09-08 05:00:05 UTC  

Philosophy has no purchase here.

2018-09-08 05:00:10 UTC  

I just got here fam

2018-09-08 05:00:18 UTC  

It wasn't philosophy

2018-09-08 05:00:18 UTC  

Who's talking about philosophy

2018-09-08 05:00:48 UTC  


2018-09-08 05:00:50 UTC  
