Message from @R9b1t
Discord ID: 492153020725854208
Discord has officially taken the SJW pill but I can't post the screenshot here.
```ClydeBOTToday at 9:50 PM
Woah there! ______ has requested that Discord block any messages our mostly-accurate robo-hamsters deem to be explicit. Seems like you found one, so your message has not been sent. Please be nice.
Only you can see this — delete this message.```
fucking DMs aren't even safe, and it was a fucking mad lad gif of pewds
fuck discord if they want to go that way
Yep. People should not be paying for Discord Nitro.
Oooh ooh what’s something I can get stopped for posting?
Do they manual review?
What ideology is far right authoritarianism? I.e. no social programs and a strict adherance to the laws to boost capitalism?
Actually, Discord went after some alledged "alt-right" discords before but I don't remember exactly when.
Bye Timcast discord
I remember a bunch of charlottesville-related discords getting removed
“Well we read the list and uh”
Apparently there were a bunch of far right servers supportive of briggading that got shut down.
They should take it as a compliment
Discord is easy to manage
The allegded alt-right allegded white supremist figure alledgedly known as Tim Pool alledgedly ordered his entire discord to alledgiedly spam images of the alledged alt-right hero Pewdiepie....
As long as they don’t make drastic changes to the interface and censor a lot of stuff people will come
Hey I read it on tim's discord so it must be true
glad tim covered that fucking bullshit alternative media hit peice
I think we actually have a discord staffer in here
just saw his most recent vid lol christ
Voltana, yep says so on profile
the heck kinda name is that?
does it matter?
@Beef Taquitos that can be one of two reasons.
1) the person has it set so that they dont get potentially nsfw content or...
2) the nsfw attribute isnt turned on in this very chat.
But wasn't that video just Tim claiming that he had no knowledge that he interacted with those people? Why didn't Tim just release the tapes that record him 24/7 and have done so since his birth? That would be conclusive proof he never interacted with those people.
fucking 80% of ppl on here have more rediculous names
@scaryred24 there's a nsfw filter, but there's nothing NSFW about either of those gifs
well thats the issue
suddenly pewds and jontron are "explicit content"
XD theyre scared
I’m now going to scout for “explicit content” posts
the "alt right stars"
fucign sucks cuz we get the blunt end of this sort of censorship
Is Susan Wojcicki racy?
ive uploaded 2 pics of my puppy and clydebot blocked them both