Message from @Dr.Wol
Discord ID: 494484014397259806
@Abel you didnt know that biological sex no longer exists bro lmao 🤣
Damn that article is batshit insane
Like, if the argument the gender is a social construct, fine. That's got some root in truth
But thinking that Biological Sex doens't exist, is pure insanity
As realistic as saying you can pray the gay away
>biological sex doesn't exist
>somewhat different bodies
Biology and sciences are transphobic
Its scary how all these genders are being accepted ,
Its going to destroy studies and demographics and sheet like that
I was this saying to someone the other day, but neo-Marxist gender theory isn't even asking the same questions basically
Any deviation along the line from a bizarrely rigid view of gender nobody really uses = new gender
It's categorization to the extreme in the pursuit of fighting back against categorization lol
Its going to destroy old studies,
So new generations can come up with the same studies, but instead of being "The average person" You get "The mean between all genders"
With the same result, but they get money and a reference in a book cuz theirs is a new study
This ^
For example instead of
"The average man likes attractive wamen"
You'd get
"The mean between most male-centered genders prefer female biological peak performing wamen"
bah, WAHmen > wamen...cause WAHmen means Waluigi in a dress.
so its one big circle and the "average person" has just been replaced in name only
But no one remembers that cuz people dont remember the past
its just word replacement
You used to have "Demon possessed" then it became "Unlucky person" then "Cripple"
Followed by "Disabled", "Handicapped", "lol-weakling" and now they're Handy-capable, or "Differently abled" or something
**(death metal intensifies)**
Demon? That is an offensive term..we prefer the term Mortally Challanged.
Oooohhh, Doom reference
well done! 😛
The problem with the gender thing is that it requires multiple assumptions to even matter to someone
>gender is socially constructed
>socially constructed things matter
>reproduction is not the main goal of biological organisms
>there are no advantages to standard biological setups
You know, i just realised,
Marxism is all about just "fan-fictioning" reality <:TimThink:482277772497125378>
Its all about taking what exists, and then writing it over to include yourself
"Rich people have money, now i have money too"
"Biology research was done, now i did it with my gender included"
"Other races got affirmative action, Now i have affirmative action with my gender"
like how people would fan-fic movies to include their sex/gender, and make it lame too
Basically yeah
A crude harry potter fan-fic where Harry falls in love with them!
They just wanna be the center of someone elses story
If its not, it should be
I assumed it was staged.