Message from @Vigil

Discord ID: 495506595946430465

2018-09-29 08:02:27 UTC  

If you are beating people up because of their race it’s a moral issue based on race.

2018-09-29 08:02:48 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:02:53 UTC  

I think the moral issue of racism comes from the fact it's innately wrong to mistreat people superficially

2018-09-29 08:03:02 UTC  

Is beating people up the thing that is bad? Is it because of their color that makes it bad?

2018-09-29 08:03:03 UTC  

Or for superficial factors, rather

2018-09-29 08:03:17 UTC  

Beating people up is bad, obviously, but there's sometimes exonerating factors e.g. self-defence

2018-09-29 08:03:26 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:03:46 UTC  

Beating someone up because of their race means the reason isn't a valid one since their race alone isn't an indicative factor of anything

2018-09-29 08:03:57 UTC  

So, if beating people up is bad, is it worse if you do so because of color instead of some other reason?

2018-09-29 08:04:22 UTC  

No, it's still bad. It's an escalation from expressing incorrect beliefs to outright violence,

2018-09-29 08:04:23 UTC  

Not necessarily.

2018-09-29 08:04:33 UTC  

Like, if i beat up a pink person, if I beat them up because they are pink is that any worse than if i beat them up because I was bored?

2018-09-29 08:04:40 UTC  

No, both make you a shitty person

2018-09-29 08:04:54 UTC  

It's just one means you're uneducated and one means you're a psychopath, as far as I can see

2018-09-29 08:04:55 UTC  

For the action of beating people up, right?

2018-09-29 08:04:58 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:05:03 UTC  

So, where is the moral component of racism?

2018-09-29 08:05:36 UTC  

to be a racist is it required to beat up people of other colors?

2018-09-29 08:05:38 UTC  

It's more the behaviours that come from traditional racism- judgementalness, exclusion etc for no valid reason. I see racism as an anti-intellectualism issue rather than a moral one

2018-09-29 08:06:13 UTC  

me too, that's what I said, but someone said there was a moral component, I am wondering where that is.

2018-09-29 08:06:18 UTC  

The behaviours a stereotypical racist performs are to an extent immoral- mistreating someone for no valid reason, over something they can't help that has no effect on who they are

2018-09-29 08:06:33 UTC  

But racism in itself is more a belief than a practice

2018-09-29 08:06:49 UTC  

Or rather a belief system

2018-09-29 08:06:53 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:07:32 UTC  

Let's say I think blue people are all retards, they were born that way. Now, let's say I donate 1million dollars to help educate these retards. Is that a bad thing?

2018-09-29 08:08:12 UTC  

Well, it's patronising and factually incorrect, but you're acting in a good way based off misinformation, which means you're still acting morally

2018-09-29 08:08:53 UTC  

We might have to ask if morality is objective or subjective. If it’s the latter there is no definite answer to any of these.

2018-09-29 08:09:04 UTC  

I feel you

2018-09-29 08:09:26 UTC  

But we can certainly say some behaviours are problematic because they promote attitudes detrimental to the cohesiveness of society

2018-09-29 08:09:29 UTC  

As well as progress

2018-09-29 08:09:40 UTC  

Sure. that's why I question the notion of racism being a moral issue. Rather, not only question, but disagree.

2018-09-29 08:11:08 UTC  

If someone stabs me, I'm really not caring whether he did it because he didn't like my shirt, or because I was a color he didn't like.

2018-09-29 08:11:19 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:11:43 UTC  

If he stabbed me because he thought I was a paedophile, I'd get why he did it but I'd still be mad because I'm not a paedophile, yknow

2018-09-29 08:11:59 UTC  

Morality is generally seen through action rather than intent, I believe

2018-09-29 08:12:09 UTC  

Because it's more of an external, collective thing

2018-09-29 08:12:38 UTC  

That's why we make reparations for things we do wrong

2018-09-29 08:12:43 UTC's always confused me.

2018-09-29 08:13:36 UTC  

How I see it is morality is based in justification, proportionality, and trying to get the best outcome for the most people in both short and long term, which includes the foreknowledge of precedents being set

2018-09-29 08:13:46 UTC  

certain actions are found morally acceptable under the right circumstances and unacceptable under different ones, so circumstances and intent do seem to matter some of the time, but not all of the time.

2018-09-29 08:13:51 UTC  
