Message from @xorgy

Discord ID: 496030345792061461

2018-09-30 18:36:37 UTC  

for me it was a political convo and i made a bad comparison and people got mad

2018-09-30 18:38:03 UTC  


2018-09-30 18:39:36 UTC  

In this case it was abortion. She has had an abortion, and her mother is pro-life. Her mother is also a very controlling person, and is constantly scheming to control the behaviour of people around her (and she is also somewhat religious, in a particularly hypocritical way), so I suspect that is why my mother believes there is _no_ other motivation for pro-life lines of thought except a desire to control women, and hypocritical theocracy.

2018-09-30 18:40:33 UTC  

So when I try to explain to her that not every pro-life person is "just anti-abortion", or in it to control _her_, she gets very defensive.

2018-09-30 18:40:40 UTC  

Because to her it is personal.

2018-09-30 18:40:45 UTC  

Oh, your mother lol

2018-09-30 18:40:56 UTC  

Yeah, I pussyfooted around, but it's hard to hide.

2018-09-30 18:41:07 UTC  

compare it to safe injection sites?

2018-09-30 18:41:16 UTC  

Well, I'm sure she could

2018-09-30 18:41:30 UTC  

But I think her political agreement with that narrative is contingent on her personal issues with her mother.

2018-09-30 18:41:47 UTC  

That is, if one went, then she probably wouldn't insist on adopting the whole narrative.

2018-09-30 18:41:54 UTC  

She might have a more healthy state of mind.

2018-09-30 18:42:27 UTC  

That's just my impression of course, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just so blind that I can't see the obvious.

2018-09-30 18:42:37 UTC  

I am, after all, just a young lad.

2018-09-30 18:42:49 UTC  

if I may? I feel like i'm interupting

2018-09-30 18:42:57 UTC  


2018-09-30 18:45:03 UTC  

i think being able to make your own descision is important and is obviously to this girl too. but the problem with pro-choice nowadays is that it enables people to act irresponsibly, which doesn't perpetuate good values in the long run. if you want to make your own choice about life, it's because you want to be responsible, right? it's the state-funded, anonymous walk-in clinics that are damaging. you don't talk to your familly doctor lightly about abortion.. even the morning after pill is not something to be taken lightly

2018-09-30 18:45:42 UTC  

And I think she would tend to agree with that, if left to her own devices.

2018-09-30 18:46:28 UTC  

forcing pro life is a bit too far for people nowadays. responsibilty isn't free, it requires us to act like adults

2018-09-30 18:46:40 UTC  

there is also the issue of some people being not pro-choise but outright pro-abortion

2018-09-30 18:47:30 UTC  

but in the presence of the heathering mother figure she has barely escaped, and the attractive political narrative to tell her that _she's right and everyone else is not just wrong, but so wrong you shouldn't even consider their stated motivations honest_, it is impossible for her to see why some people may consider infanticide to cover foetuses of a certain age.

2018-09-30 18:48:17 UTC  

the pro-abortion people are the sick ones, in my view.

2018-09-30 18:48:47 UTC  

It is a message which is clearly similar to being pro-murder

2018-09-30 18:48:51 UTC  

I used to think women should get to decide until my GF (years ago now) got pregnant. I was extaticly happy she thought it would cramp her social life so terminated it without my consent. Legally I had no rway to stop it. I offered to pay her to have the child and let me have it but she didn't want to so now I don't think women have that right. it took 2 to create it takes 2 to decide. thats equality

2018-09-30 18:49:06 UTC  

even if most abortion is not like murder in any way, if you ask the person pulling the trigger.

2018-09-30 18:49:44 UTC  

Ultimately, the state of mind of the perpetrator is the moral purpose of a legal penalty for murder.

2018-09-30 18:50:17 UTC  

Murderers are dangerous, so a system which permits murderous intent to go unnoticed is dangerous, in my view.

2018-09-30 18:50:48 UTC  

If people are having abortions _with murderous intent_, then that is a matter of great concern to society.

2018-09-30 18:51:44 UTC  

lol. i never heard that before 😂

2018-09-30 18:52:04 UTC  

Well, that's kinda what's going on in some of these "pro-abortion" people's minds.

2018-09-30 18:52:29 UTC  

Killing foetuses because they feel like it, or because it's cool, or as a matter of convenience.

2018-09-30 18:53:22 UTC  

I think that's kinda sick, but ultimately I'm not sure what should be done about it.

2018-09-30 18:53:28 UTC  

I don't know if it will ever get way out of hand.

2018-09-30 18:53:52 UTC  

``` I think that's kinda sick, but ultimately I'm not sure what should be done about it. ```
make babies

2018-09-30 18:53:56 UTC  

I know that from the cultural perspective, I can say something about encouraging that kind of thoughtless intentional killing.

2018-09-30 18:54:11 UTC  

But the state can not really establish intent like that.

2018-09-30 18:54:23 UTC  

Yeah, I intend to make babies.

2018-09-30 18:54:28 UTC  

and get a lawyer first 😂

2018-09-30 18:54:30 UTC  

Erh, at least to help.

2018-09-30 18:54:51 UTC  

make her sign a contract that if she has a baby, it's half yours

2018-09-30 18:55:01 UTC  

Thought they called that marriage.