Message from @Khanclansith

Discord ID: 497495477953101834

2018-10-04 19:23:04 UTC  

Well, they had many years of training in making due.

Most only take their own lives and we never hear about it

2018-10-04 19:23:22 UTC  


The statistics are crazy

2018-10-04 19:23:55 UTC  

I think this will happen more as vets see themselves abused by authorities.

2018-10-04 19:24:35 UTC  

Nothing sends a clearer message than letting your vets wait around with maggot infested wounds.

Or if the VA continues to be shit

2018-10-04 19:27:32 UTC  

But didn't you know, the SJWs want to have themselves reclassified as veterans so they can get veteran benefits. The minute that happens, they'll start screeching that veterans don't have enough benefits.

2018-10-04 19:28:07 UTC  

wait, what?

Our job in Afghanistan has been reduced to training and protecting soldiers that rape little boys and shoot us in the back

I’d go nuts too

2018-10-04 19:29:24 UTC  


2018-10-04 19:29:44 UTC  

cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer

2018-10-04 19:32:14 UTC  

After all, isn't an antifa facemask and all black just the same as a military uniform? And isn't beating someone over the head with a bike lock because you disagree with them, just as noble as going overseas and fighting for your country? Let's all stand up and salute those noble Social Justice Soldiers!

2018-10-04 19:45:17 UTC  

I think the idea of the article was to also expand it to people like.. Say... MLK. Problem is that it's not an especially efficient or accountable system

2018-10-04 19:47:40 UTC  

"To be clear, I am not arguing that everyone be granted retail discounts by expanding our classification of “veteran,” or even that others acknowledge us for our service in working for a better and more just society."
Read that line a few more times. This is a clear bid to include himself.

Just read the beginning of the article about why this whole idea was prompted. That the veteran got a discount, but he didn't.

2018-10-04 19:49:08 UTC  

My dad gets into veteran clubs despite never having served in Vietnam, by showing that the locations of the submarines he served on were classified to him and he very well could have been in the waters of Vietnam for all he knew

2018-10-04 19:49:10 UTC  

The way he casually references "acknowledges us" - US-, He very clearly means himself and his SJW cohorts.

2018-10-04 19:49:24 UTC  

I never get discounts.

2018-10-04 19:49:27 UTC  

Well, combat veteran perks in particular

2018-10-04 19:50:12 UTC  

Lowe's hardware gives him a discount for showing restiree ID to the clerk

2018-10-04 19:50:14 UTC  

Then again I was a headquarters monkey so I don't pretend I was SF, Army Rangers, and all that jaz.

2018-10-04 19:51:08 UTC  

He was a deep-sea saturation diver so there was a lot of danger and damage to his body but not combat

2018-10-04 19:51:57 UTC

2018-10-04 19:52:16 UTC  

He has microscopic disection in his carotid artery that once gave him a stroke and it's never gonna heal.

2018-10-04 19:52:22 UTC  

veterans as a whole are given discounts because their actions served the country, in whatever capacity.

SJW rioters... No. Just no. I'd sooner award veteran status to the first person who goes out and starts gunning them down.

2018-10-04 19:54:14 UTC  

SJW Rioters are the NDSAP-SA for the CRTL-Left

2018-10-04 19:54:35 UTC  

So I think jail would be good for them

2018-10-04 19:55:04 UTC  

They're brownshirts

2018-10-04 19:55:30 UTC  

If they get someone into power, they'll have to be killed off by that person just like the Night of Long Knives

2018-10-04 19:56:08 UTC  

hey! new drinking game!

2018-10-04 19:56:34 UTC  

or Rapey game, your choice

2018-10-04 19:56:35 UTC  

Yeah, that is what I said. I want them brought up on charges so they don't get a "Hitler" in power.

2018-10-04 19:57:03 UTC  

Ah right

2018-10-04 19:57:53 UTC  

The left doesn't understand horseshoe political theory at all. The more extreme they get as they screech that everyone else is a nazi, the more nazi-like they become themselves.

2018-10-04 19:58:30 UTC  

<sixth sense ending>They don't even know they're the authoritarians</sixth sense ending>

2018-10-04 19:59:42 UTC  

lol can't use the same one twice ;P

2018-10-04 20:00:11 UTC  

I know