Message from @Dᴏᴏғᴜs Dᴏʀᴋᴍᴀɴᴇ

Discord ID: 696852918351036466

2020-04-06 22:40:20 UTC  

Well, people fuck, and their descendants also fuck. That bloodline has tens of thousands of potential heirs at this point

2020-04-06 22:40:26 UTC  

So did a lot of other people

2020-04-06 22:41:14 UTC  

Not without the monarch they didn't

2020-04-06 22:41:23 UTC  

the royals are an intrinsic part of our identity as a country and pretty much the only reason tourists come here

2020-04-06 22:41:37 UTC  

One in every 200 men alive today is a relative of Genghis Khan for example, so the UK royal bloodline is also likely to be pretty wide (althouh the Khan did do a lot of raping)

2020-04-06 22:42:03 UTC  

So we should keep it for tourism

2020-04-06 22:42:09 UTC  

Perry solid argument

2020-04-06 22:42:19 UTC  

I can't type I this phone lol

2020-04-06 22:42:41 UTC  

would that imply that ~~cockroach~~ erdogan could claim the english throne

2020-04-06 22:42:55 UTC  

i've never understood why people get all whiny about it. is it because they're above you? well too bad, some people are above other people, thats life. get fucking used to it because it's going to be your whole life until you die.

2020-04-06 22:42:56 UTC  

I mean potentially

2020-04-06 22:43:10 UTC  

considering the hundreds of years of political marriages

2020-04-06 22:43:26 UTC  

They're not above, they're responsible, for all of us

2020-04-06 22:43:34 UTC  

Queen Victoria's children for example all getting married off to different countries princes/princesses

2020-04-06 22:43:43 UTC  

theyre not actually responsible for us at this point because they dont actually govern

2020-04-06 22:43:57 UTC  

Nobody is above anybody

2020-04-06 22:44:19 UTC  

yes they are

2020-04-06 22:44:23 UTC  

Unless you mean in terms of wealth

2020-04-06 22:44:24 UTC  

actually some people are above others, it doesnt matter how you slice it, the criteria you use, some people are above other people.

2020-04-06 22:44:41 UTC  

and power

2020-04-06 22:44:42 UTC  

Oh no, not hierarchies. How awful!!!

2020-04-06 22:45:01 UTC  

More like some people take responsibility on their shoulders

2020-04-06 22:45:03 UTC  

until you find someone who looks exactly like you, has the same abilities and education and life experiences and opportunities as you, you're not going to find an equal on this earth

2020-04-06 22:45:16 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:45:50 UTC  

the royals have a higher social position. thats just how it is. they are also far wealthier than most people with a more interesting life story. thats also just how it is.

2020-04-06 22:46:39 UTC  

I don't have the same viewpoint, but w/e

2020-04-06 22:46:40 UTC  

but prince charles looks like a potato and at least most average people dont, so theres that.

2020-04-06 22:47:00 UTC  

If the Queen outlives Charles I'll consider that a victory

2020-04-06 22:48:11 UTC  

you cant just pick one heirarchy to cry about, is my point. OMG THE ROYALS THE ROYALS. the royals have probably the lowest possible effect on your life. you have far more to worry about with people you actually deal with who have advantages over you (or not)

2020-04-06 22:48:58 UTC  

I'm not going to mash a keyboard for the next x amount of minutes on something that we aren't going to change each other's minds on

2020-04-06 22:49:28 UTC  

the person at work who sucks up to the boss and pushes you under a train, may be at a similar social/economic level to you but they have a far more devastating impact on your life story

2020-04-06 22:50:06 UTC  

oh, and people arent even born equal, so theres that too. take it up with mother nature on your way out

2020-04-06 22:50:15 UTC  

Also, if the royal family abdicated, they would get back all their properties... Which the gov is currently renting out for about 400m a year

2020-04-06 22:50:22 UTC  

ur wasting your keystrokes

2020-04-06 22:50:36 UTC  

They would massively cash in if they weren't royal

2020-04-06 22:52:58 UTC  

We would save about 70m paying them in taxes, and the gov would lose about 400m ... So we'd lose out net roughly 330m a year

2020-04-06 22:54:35 UTC  

you're right it's a pointless discussion unless you live in the 1800s and are ruled by a monarchy

2020-04-06 22:55:41 UTC  

i just wish people would stop going on about it like it matters even a tiny bit in the scheme of things. being born short will hurt you more than the queen having yearly speeches

2020-04-06 22:55:42 UTC  

Fuck me, you don't half drone on

2020-04-06 22:55:56 UTC  

You an autist?

2020-04-06 22:56:21 UTC  

It's Athens...