Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 501024069173510144

2018-10-14 13:28:30 UTC  

PBs ran up and fight broke out

2018-10-14 13:28:40 UTC  

cops came and arrested people

2018-10-14 13:28:46 UTC  

I tried to tell you the PBs are heroes.

2018-10-14 13:28:47 UTC  

no PBs got arrested

2018-10-14 13:29:03 UTC  

did you hear about the fights last night ? posted threads in <#398858182455459853>

2018-10-14 13:29:13 UTC  

well imagine my shock, antifa did it again

2018-10-14 13:29:43 UTC  

According to court documents, Perkins, Russo, and Slonim struck the victim in the face and that another man who was not arrested took the victim's backpack. The victim refused medical attention and is cooperating with police, the complaint states.

Gavin Wax, publisher of the online news site the Schpiel who attended the Proud Boys event and witnessed the alleged assault by the protesters, told BuzzFeed News he and a friend were walking toward the subway when they saw two masked individuals approach a man "who was backpedaling with his fists up" on Third Avenue.

2018-10-14 13:29:44 UTC  

This identitarian fights remind me of the tribal wars in the jungles.

2018-10-14 13:30:04 UTC  

So if I'm following this right

2018-10-14 13:30:12 UTC  

Antifa were fuckheads and the PBs came in fists flying

2018-10-14 13:30:16 UTC  

and the media only noted the PBs

2018-10-14 13:30:20 UTC  

that about right?

2018-10-14 13:30:25 UTC  

ok no this is a separate incident

2018-10-14 13:30:27 UTC  

Antifa attacking people on the streets reminds me of Weimar Germany.

2018-10-14 13:30:28 UTC  

hhaha ok so here we go

2018-10-14 13:30:30 UTC  

this really relates my rotors

2018-10-14 13:30:38 UTC  

all the people screaming about Proud boys

2018-10-14 13:30:38 UTC  


2018-10-14 13:30:39 UTC  

At least there's yet to be fighting that involves bows and spears

2018-10-14 13:30:43 UTC  

not talking about how a block away Antifa robbed a dude

2018-10-14 13:30:46 UTC  

Gavin Mcguiness roleplaying with a katana on a stage just makes it wilder

2018-10-14 13:31:02 UTC  

while you bickered in the culture war, I studied the blade.

2018-10-14 13:31:10 UTC  

btw Gavin commented under your video

2018-10-14 13:31:14 UTC  

lmao what

2018-10-14 13:31:43 UTC  

he would have been right to study the blade, if speaking your mind becomes illegal

2018-10-14 13:32:13 UTC  

Did tim post about the proud boys? it's not in my notification feed

2018-10-14 13:32:22 UTC  


2018-10-14 13:32:32 UTC  

Screencap it

2018-10-14 13:32:33 UTC  


2018-10-14 13:32:33 UTC  

I think it was the video yesterday

2018-10-14 13:32:36 UTC

2018-10-14 13:32:59 UTC  

Scrib what ?

2018-10-14 13:33:03 UTC  

I was behind a desk watching videos for like, 8 hours yesterday

2018-10-14 13:33:06 UTC  

Is it not the proud boys stomped antifa?

2018-10-14 13:33:09 UTC  

look at that viewcount, too

2018-10-14 13:33:10 UTC  

Screencap Gavin's comment!

2018-10-14 13:33:11 UTC  


2018-10-14 13:33:13 UTC  

obvious throttle is obvious

2018-10-14 13:33:31 UTC  

posted it before

2018-10-14 13:33:33 UTC  

Good boi