Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 501620768065716225

2018-10-16 04:54:29 UTC  

Our soldiers dying in a war that is never ending... the civilians dying at the hands of terrorists who manipulate them.

2018-10-16 04:54:54 UTC  

Nations in the middle east taking advantage of the chaos to lay the seeds for their eventual lands grabs.

2018-10-16 04:55:13 UTC  

How our "Allies" eventually turned their backs on us because the war is taking too long.

2018-10-16 04:55:37 UTC  

The new presidents taking advantage of publics outrage to launch new wars in the name of fighting terrorism.

2018-10-16 04:55:43 UTC  

It was just maddness.

2018-10-16 04:57:24 UTC  

Sorry for getting dark there

2018-10-16 04:58:13 UTC  

Not just because of the length of the war, but also because you kept starting new ones

2018-10-16 04:58:55 UTC  

Blame the past two warmongering presidents.

2018-10-16 04:59:06 UTC  

```"I have a dream! That one day, every person in this nation will control their own destiny! A land of the trulyfree, dammit! A nation of action, not words -- ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around! Where power and justice are back where they belong, in the hands of the people! Where every man is free- to think, to act- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers, and these chickenshit bureaucrats! Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American Pride -- fuck the media -- Fuck all of it! America is diseased -- rotten to the core...there's no saving it... We need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean -- burn it down! And from the ashes a new America will be born! Evolved but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive; free to live as they see fit! They'll make America great again! People will die and kill... for what they believe! Not for money, not for oil, not for what they're told is right! Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"
-Senator Armstrong. ```

2018-10-16 04:59:06 UTC  

Instead of focusing on the first war, they expanded it.

2018-10-16 04:59:13 UTC  

Remember when it was about Al Qaeda, then it was also about Saddam, then it was gonna be Iran too, but it swapped to Libya, Syria etc

2018-10-16 04:59:31 UTC  

Canada was up for fucking the Taliban and getting Bin Laden

2018-10-16 04:59:41 UTC  

When the war happen in Iraq.... I was mad as hell.

2018-10-16 04:59:53 UTC  

It was George Jr. winning his daddy's war.

2018-10-16 04:59:54 UTC  

And by that I mean JTF2 was already hunting them before we officially joined lol

2018-10-16 04:59:58 UTC  

Getting revenge.

2018-10-16 05:00:17 UTC  

Obama did Libya and Syria.

2018-10-16 05:00:22 UTC  

Ugh... he fucked us all over on that.

2018-10-16 05:00:32 UTC  

At least with Iraq, it wasn't as bad.

2018-10-16 05:01:24 UTC  

Iraq was really bad

2018-10-16 05:01:50 UTC  

Like that's how ISIS was spawned, that's when IEDs started being a big killer

2018-10-16 05:02:13 UTC  

Region's still turbofucked and that's caused Iran to become a larger problem

2018-10-16 05:02:53 UTC  

I saw all this unfold.

2018-10-16 05:03:55 UTC  

I would argue Iraq was a worse move than Libya tbh. Syria was saved by - well I don't know if it's lack of effort or incompetence

2018-10-16 05:04:03 UTC  

Thank you for sharing, Dusty. That was an interesting read.

2018-10-16 05:04:40 UTC  

Libya started ISIS... ISIS wasn't started in Iraq by the way.

2018-10-16 05:05:03 UTC  

After Libya falled, ISIS started to spread from Libya to the other conflict zones.

2018-10-16 05:05:17 UTC  

Then mostly situated in Syria.

2018-10-16 05:05:36 UTC  

They was aiming at creating a new nation for their sick and twisted religion.

2018-10-16 05:05:54 UTC  

Anyways I am going to lay down.

2018-10-16 05:05:57 UTC  

Talk to you guys later.

2018-10-16 05:15:46 UTC  

should i do an ancestry test?

2018-10-16 05:15:55 UTC  

want to see how asian i am :V

2018-10-16 05:16:44 UTC  

Do you think those results will be collected by law enforcement and used against you?

2018-10-16 05:17:19 UTC  

^ yes, they will used against me saying I am not Asian, but Csian >_>

2018-10-16 05:18:20 UTC  

I'm just saying think twice before you give a sample of your DNA to a private company which could turn around and give it to law enforcement or even sell it to a different private company without you knowing. That's all.

2018-10-16 05:18:58 UTC  

I kinda feel the same. I dont think ill trust a private company with my dna

2018-10-16 05:19:07 UTC  

i've gone through 2 police background checks and at least 10 background checks in general >_>

2018-10-16 05:19:41 UTC  

im tempted to try it

2018-10-16 05:19:48 UTC  

just to see how much of an asian i am

2018-10-16 05:20:42 UTC  

If you turn out to be more Japanese than Tim is you should make him call you Shogun.