Message from @Dusty Morgan
Discord ID: 501960661694414849
Oh god... culture appropriation is a bullshit term designed to deny Whites anything related to other races.
When half the time, the shit they are claiming culture appropriation is designed by whites in the first place.
I hate that idea.
Designed by whites based off racial sterotypes. Funny isn't.
You’re going to bitch about someone just because they found interest in your heritage and customs.
wasn’t the internet invented by white people
literally everyone culturally appropriating
I’d be flattered if someone took time to actually look into my heritage.
To be fair, cultural appropriation wasn't originally meant to be seen as a bad thing, just a thing that happens... then it became culture war ammo
You know, we could claim culture appropriation and deny any advance from the other races in the last 100 years since the dawn of steam engines.
what originally it mean?
Then again they’d just find a bunch of drunkards, Sword-wielding madmen, coal miners and some guys who started WWI
They would go back to the bronze age.
It is really stupid.
It meant that cultures take and adapt things from other cultures into their own culture.
It's only stupid if you think it's symmetric or fair
They are treating the Asians the same as they are treating us.
I am mix race, so I am native american and white.
It's only bad when the ruling class does it. The Oppressed can do it all they want
I never realized that but it’s true.
I’m a hodgepodge of Scottish and Serbian of all things.
The culture appropriation thing is just stupid and ignorant.
when you say native american and white, do you mean 0.01% native and 99.91% white? :^)
why can’t companies just stay politically neutral and focus on their product and services
I am half white and half native.
So basically I kill Bosnians with a claymore sword.
sorry it's too relevant rn lmao
Yeah, the idea of cultural appropriation isn't bad, it's just when you add the whole "power + privilege" thing to it where it becomes toxic
My grandmother was full blooded Native, my mother was full blooded. I got my half white from my father.
Not to get everyone distracted from a subject but I just can't understand the Democrats and the far left mindsets
oh look, it's as if pirating your animu is the only good choice
what is cultural appropriation
i'm sitting here with that fat 2% native #morenativethanwarren
@moisterrific What happens is that the marketing guys are all in this far-left bubble, and they use how their stuff performs on social media as a metric of their success
That’s literally horrifying Jesus Christ imagine a bunch of white Muslims getting cut down by some guy with a giant sword