Message from @Scribblehatch

Discord ID: 503779591094009868

2018-10-22 03:58:28 UTC  

Because a guy named O'Shaunnassy is apparently a high profile terrorist

2018-10-22 03:58:28 UTC  

orange man bad

2018-10-22 03:58:44 UTC  

he gave me his phone number cause after the kanye visit he said, and i quote : i need more of you to take pictures with

2018-10-22 03:58:59 UTC  

that's racist

2018-10-22 03:59:04 UTC  

yeah but he pays well

2018-10-22 03:59:22 UTC  

i don't care, that's what a nazi would say

2018-10-22 03:59:23 UTC  

Orange man triggers all the loonies on the extreme ends of the autistic sperglord spectrum.

2018-10-22 03:59:25 UTC  

just in german

2018-10-22 03:59:27 UTC  

i'm a black nazi

2018-10-22 03:59:31 UTC  

beware the new breed

2018-10-22 03:59:34 UTC  


2018-10-22 03:59:38 UTC  

white power

2018-10-22 03:59:45 UTC  


2018-10-22 03:59:50 UTC  

haha, you didn't add (no homo)

2018-10-22 03:59:52 UTC  

that makes it gay

2018-10-22 03:59:55 UTC  


2018-10-22 03:59:55 UTC  

not sure what it's powering

2018-10-22 03:59:56 UTC  

Alright everyone. Let's review.

2018-10-22 04:00:02 UTC  

Jim bet it all.

2018-10-22 04:00:11 UTC  

On a non-gamble.

2018-10-22 04:00:14 UTC  

He had nothing.

2018-10-22 04:00:15 UTC  

Shallan... cute pfp. Did you draw that?

2018-10-22 04:00:16 UTC  

but jesus christ everyone seems to think it's going to destroy the planet

2018-10-22 04:00:21 UTC  

wtf is all this jim vs sargon shit anyway, can someone tl;dw for me

2018-10-22 04:00:22 UTC  

Who is Jim

2018-10-22 04:00:25 UTC  

Jim had NOTHING on Vee and Sargon.

2018-10-22 04:00:26 UTC  


2018-10-22 04:00:34 UTC  

Two people know who jim is

2018-10-22 04:00:37 UTC  

And he just spent like... a couple days pretending he was holding the sword of damocles over them.

2018-10-22 04:00:43 UTC  

Also... Jesus Christ is a doomsday trigger. >.>

2018-10-22 04:00:45 UTC  

Does anyone remember that guy who dated the rapture TWICE?

2018-10-22 04:00:46 UTC  

sargon made a bet that he could put a hamster up his butt and lost

2018-10-22 04:00:49 UTC  

That's Jim now.

2018-10-22 04:00:50 UTC  

> Couple

2018-10-22 04:00:52 UTC  

He is going to destroy the world and people want to see him come.

2018-10-22 04:00:56 UTC  

then there were martians who invaded england

2018-10-22 04:01:00 UTC  


2018-10-22 04:01:02 UTC  

I'm seriously concerned about Jim. He sounds like he's losing it. I'm not joking.

2018-10-22 04:01:04 UTC  

they said that hillary is secretly a cat person

2018-10-22 04:01:04 UTC  

Okay 3 days.

2018-10-22 04:01:05 UTC