Message from @Lidomite

Discord ID: 685102828041142280

2020-03-05 09:20:23 UTC  

The state of the modern lefty has deterioated to the point where this is their lead candidate even though nobody really wants him

2020-03-05 09:20:27 UTC  

How does this even work

2020-03-05 09:20:42 UTC  

it's like the mechanistic clockwork of the universe is imploding on itself, or I guess the left

2020-03-05 09:20:45 UTC  

the left are mentally ill

2020-03-05 09:20:53 UTC  

You can only be insane for so long until this happens I guess, bad ideas are bad for a reason

2020-03-05 09:21:04 UTC  

Who would think that horrible policies fail internally as well as externally xD

2020-03-05 09:21:17 UTC  

I mean I know the left is bad but

2020-03-05 09:21:43 UTC  

bad is understatement

2020-03-05 09:21:45 UTC  

Taking a step back, it still looks even crazier, sometimes I think about "how did we get here?", like go back to cave men hunting with spears and now we have this shit

2020-03-05 09:21:49 UTC  

they are a cancer

2020-03-05 09:21:50 UTC  

How does this happen lol

2020-03-05 09:22:09 UTC  

I know right, jesus, I mean I wonder if the left is starting to become aware of this

2020-03-05 09:22:16 UTC  


2020-03-05 09:22:28 UTC  

"Whow, we really are cancer. Maybe they have a point..."- or if they will just go down with the ship, they seem to have no self awareness

2020-03-05 09:22:32 UTC  

they are stuck in their little blue check mark twitter bubble

2020-03-05 09:22:50 UTC  

while ignoring reality because they cant handle it

2020-03-05 09:24:02 UTC  

Yeah, it seems like it, they must be melting internally

2020-03-05 12:25:55 UTC  

Why do Russian decended Jews always push for Intersectionalism? I've notice most pro abortion advocates are apart of the same demographic too?

2020-03-05 12:33:34 UTC  

Why are you posing the same question in multiple chats?

2020-03-05 12:34:02 UTC  

There's a sizeable chunk of the US that are pro-abortion advocates. I doubt, let's say, about 20% to 25% of America are "Russian decended Jews."

2020-03-05 12:37:29 UTC  

he's better than all the other candidates tbf

2020-03-05 12:37:41 UTC  

except tulsi obviously

2020-03-05 12:42:40 UTC  


2020-03-05 12:49:24 UTC  

@Lidomite That ideology did come from the Frankfurt school so they created it. I'm not saying that its that demographic as a whole but a certain subsect.

2020-03-05 12:49:43 UTC  

@EN Because its relevant in this chat.

2020-03-05 12:52:03 UTC  

So it's not relevant in the other

2020-03-05 12:52:25 UTC  

Just needed an answer to the question.

2020-03-05 12:53:24 UTC  

I knew I'd get a meme answer in the other so I posted the same here to get a sensible answer.

2020-03-05 13:11:58 UTC  

@everybodydothatdinosaur When you have only one requirement of defeating Trump and executing him on the White House lawn, you suddenly have the problem of not thinking of anything else.

2020-03-05 13:12:10 UTC  

This is the problem with the Democrats.

2020-03-05 13:12:35 UTC  

And why the elite has had their oh shit moment.

2020-03-05 13:12:59 UTC  

There's a sizeable population of Ashkenazi Jews from Russia in Denver who are decidedly *not* pro-abortion. I think you might be mixing up "I have noticed some of these people overlap" with "one of these groups totally overlaps with the other".

2020-03-05 13:14:02 UTC  

The Weinsteins are pro-abortion because they want people to watch their shit movies rather than raise children.

2020-03-05 13:14:29 UTC  

(Weinsteins standing for Hollywood Jew)

2020-03-05 13:15:51 UTC  

I think it might basically just be the same spectrum as with Christians- the more fundamentalist, the less inclined they are to approve of abortion. The people who won't open library books on Saturday are probably not in the same group as the Weinsteins.

2020-03-05 13:16:51 UTC  

Well I do believe pro-abortion stances come from a fundamentalist view as well.

2020-03-05 13:16:59 UTC  

Hm, how so?

2020-03-05 13:17:10 UTC  

The cult of Feminism.

2020-03-05 13:17:42 UTC  

Not really fundamentalist, though. They are still distilling their tenets.

2020-03-05 13:17:54 UTC  

No fundamentals to return or hold to.