Message from @TheCaledonian

Discord ID: 688749278419877900

2020-03-15 13:59:35 UTC  

because the deaths are caused by an overwhelmed NHS

2020-03-15 14:00:06 UTC  

Which can easily be avoided via slowing and stopping the spread, not speeding it up as what you're advocating

2020-03-15 14:00:39 UTC  

we could deal with this in the same way as south korea if people would actually take responsibility.

2020-03-15 14:01:03 UTC  

so you quarantine when the NHS is at 95% ... at least thats what top virologists with many years of modelling and scientific experimenting say... so... Imma listen to them... instead of randos on discord 😛

2020-03-15 14:01:25 UTC  

But instead we have retards advocating for everyone else to get infected now while they sit on the sidelines for a "more opportune" time for themselves to get infected. What a croc load of shit

2020-03-15 14:01:38 UTC  

Probably a good game to go around the paper-goods area of these stores where all the mental patients are, and cought/hack violently, wipe your nose on your hand, touch the shelves etc

2020-03-15 14:01:39 UTC  

but the problem with that is that by that time you already have the next wave of people infected and the NHS gets overwhelmed?

2020-03-15 14:01:41 UTC  

you have some control over whetehr you yourself get infected

2020-03-15 14:02:08 UTC  

I think we found our resident sociopath

2020-03-15 14:02:12 UTC  

vaccines wont be available for 6 to 12 months at least

2020-03-15 14:02:22 UTC  

They're the sociopaths, GA

2020-03-15 14:02:40 UTC  

They're the headcases panic-buying and acting up in completely antisocial ways

2020-03-15 14:02:45 UTC  

Why is letting (at least) 80% of the country get infected a good idea? Especially since we don't know the long-term implications of having this virus in your system

2020-03-15 14:02:58 UTC  

a year of no travel in and out of the UK is that so bad? (obviously allow goods to enter and leave)@honkhonk

2020-03-15 14:03:00 UTC  

cos man in labcoat told me so

2020-03-15 14:03:11 UTC  

I act on the directives of my superiors

2020-03-15 14:03:15 UTC  

let me people leave

2020-03-15 14:03:19 UTC  

just don't let em back in

2020-03-15 14:03:22 UTC  

Yea I don't get this whole TP hoarding mentality and acting like animals. One would think food would be more critical, not TP. This is sheer idiocy

2020-03-15 14:03:44 UTC  

TP hoarding is based

2020-03-15 14:03:46 UTC  

I heard someone say "ah, but what if i'm quarantined for 4 weeks?"

2020-03-15 14:03:50 UTC  

it not a case of letting 80% getting infected.... they will get infected ... theres nothing they can do about that... its about controlling when the bulk of the infections arise and getting it synced with the NHS

2020-03-15 14:03:50 UTC  

the tp thing is sheer collective autism

2020-03-15 14:03:51 UTC  

Dude, how the fuck much toilet paper do you use?

2020-03-15 14:04:07 UTC  

it's not collective autism, it's collective low iq

2020-03-15 14:04:19 UTC  

it's the 50% of the population that has sub 100 iq

2020-03-15 14:04:22 UTC  

@wacka i don't see 80% of even wuhan infected so why would anywhere else get that much?

2020-03-15 14:04:35 UTC  

china has a pretty extreme quarantine

2020-03-15 14:04:40 UTC  

i dont think we'll do that here

2020-03-15 14:04:45 UTC  

Based China

2020-03-15 14:04:46 UTC  

not to mention 80% was a worse case reasonable scenario figure

2020-03-15 14:04:46 UTC  

because we havent seen the fallout of china yet

2020-03-15 14:04:52 UTC  

They welded ppl into their apartments lol

2020-03-15 14:05:01 UTC  

once their quarantine ends it will come back en masse

2020-03-15 14:05:08 UTC  

> They welded ppl into their apartments lol

That was the public doing that

2020-03-15 14:05:14 UTC  

@Puggums even italy would probably be enough if implemented before a huge wave of cases.

2020-03-15 14:05:14 UTC  

the infection is expected to come back into china

2020-03-15 14:05:38 UTC  

"Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes."

2020-03-15 14:05:39 UTC  

I mean italy would be enough with the huge wave but loads more people would be infected.

2020-03-15 14:05:58 UTC  

theyre trying to flatten the curve so you dont end up with this big spike