Message from @meanderer118
Discord ID: 504817855490031616
If they are no longer useful, they should disappear
I want Thomas Sowell as president.
Like trump? Lol
Milton Friedman as VP.
Anyone who raises taxes or adds welfare progams will be shot
I dont see how a zero regulations will work
Follow me around the corner.
I have a presentation there.
If trash aren't regulated I can just dump it at my competitors front door
Well, I was exaggerating.
So must have some regulation
Just a quick example
I like how Friedman explains the limits of regulations.
He recognizes that some regulations are necessary, but provides a good rationale for how to minimize them.
Right, I see a system where the least amount of regulation that works
Like apple engineer says you take stuff out until you cant take out anymore
I think that maxime goes back further.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
I don't particularly know what you mean by regulation. Using your trash example. What regulation for trash companies keeps them from dumping it on my front door, that isn't in place for my neighbor who doesn't have a trash company?
That is actually an interesting case.
One thing that really gets me, waste management from energy sector, dumping coal ash near rivers and streams, etc. On one hand you can say it's far enough to people shouldn't be a problem on the other hand those are the most toxic stuff around. Trump deregulated it, to my dismay.
Friedman and Peter Robinson discuss a particular case of a medication with lethal side effects.
holy shit
fire alarm goes off at CNN
they just sit there
fire alarm means GTFO
jesus fucking christ
it was a legit bomb scare too
Too much firedrill lol
LOL, that was the usual reaction at my company, too.
was it not on the prompters?
Everybody gets up in a kind of slow trot and walks towards the assembly area.
I can just imagine how many people are gonna assume this was all faked
Because they were calm
I really don't understand how hard is it to do an single thing we ask of immigrants. Go through the legal channels.
People usually assume it's a drill or an accidental trigger, because of how often those happen.