Message from @Crafty

Discord ID: 692305569725415425

2020-03-25 07:17:44 UTC  

both of these are done heavily in democrat states

2020-03-25 07:17:48 UTC  

funded by democrats

2020-03-25 07:18:25 UTC  

the bad republicans usually are trying to enrich themselves

2020-03-25 07:18:42 UTC  

the bad democrats leave a lasting negative effect on the country

2020-03-25 07:19:31 UTC  

Both parties try to manipulate elections in different ways

2020-03-25 07:20:32 UTC  

But it is not about which of the turds in the sea is worse, I'm just commenting that mainstream Conservatives had worse optics during this particular crisis

2020-03-25 07:21:49 UTC  

the fixation on racism isn't really helping the democrats

2020-03-25 07:21:58 UTC  

nor is them trying to stuff that bill with pork

2020-03-25 07:22:44 UTC  

and in terms of state response most democrat controlled states are fucking their residents over

2020-03-25 07:24:29 UTC  

Jesus fucking christ ^^^

2020-03-25 07:25:12 UTC  

house/senate elections might be wild

2020-03-25 07:25:53 UTC

2020-03-25 09:37:31 UTC  


2020-03-25 09:40:59 UTC  

Made in usa, of course <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-25 10:20:23 UTC  

American Police, fuck yeah

2020-03-25 10:23:32 UTC  

"“Since the early 1980s, Roger Golubski used his power as a police officer to exploit sex from vulnerable black women in the north end of Kansas City, Kansas,” Vratil wrote at the outset of her ruling. “To do so, he threatened arrest and prosecution, fixed tickets, made warrants disappear and paid money and drugs. He would often fixate on particular women, harassing them continually for months or even years. These predilections and abuses were well known among other officers and supervisors within the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department ('KCKPD'). They knew – and even joked about – Golubski’s practice of arresting black prostitutes, forcing them to have sex (often at the precinct house itself) and then releasing them without pressing charges.”"

2020-03-25 10:24:15 UTC  

"One of the women Golubski exploited was McIntyre’s mother, Rose McIntyre, whom Golubski sexually assaulted at his police station office, according to Vratil’s recounting of the facts. Another officer who opened Golubski’s door and saw what was happening left without saying anything.

Golubski’s harassment continued over time even after Rose McIntyre rejected his advances, ultimately leading her to move to a new home and change her phone number in the hope he would stop terrorizing her.

In April 1994, Golubski ginned up evidence against McIntyre for the slaying of Quinn and Ewing as they sat in a parked car. Golubski coerced two women, one of whom he had a sexual relationship with, into identifying McIntyre as the killer. Both were pressured into picking out McIntyre’s photo from an array of five photos – three of which were of Lamonte and two of his close relatives."

2020-03-25 10:25:11 UTC  

"but muh boys in blue"

2020-03-25 10:25:32 UTC  

"but it's just a few bad apples"

2020-03-25 10:25:46 UTC  

"but muh 13/50"

2020-03-25 10:27:44 UTC  

"I don't like government abuse, unless their agents wear blue and have an IQ of 90"

2020-03-25 10:33:37 UTC  

so wuhan is experiencing a SECOND outbreak and the chinese gov has the audacity to blame foreigners

2020-03-25 10:33:50 UTC  

official chinese numbers are and always will be shameless lies