Message from @phadreus

Discord ID: 691819792734355567

2020-03-24 01:09:00 UTC  

Apparently quoting a philosopher to back up an opinion is bad now? <:WaitWhatArmy:590858815189024778>

2020-03-24 01:09:17 UTC  

Alright man, don't explain then. Whatever.

2020-03-24 01:09:28 UTC  

I didn't say that, I just think it's understandable that Hex overlooked that it was a quote

2020-03-24 01:09:52 UTC  

He only overlooked it because he didn't look at (all of) it.

2020-03-24 01:10:09 UTC  

Not my fault.

2020-03-24 01:10:14 UTC  

Well I don't blame him for that, it's a terribly annoying quote to read that makes me think it's a waste of time

2020-03-24 01:11:12 UTC  

Cool opinion, I don't care. If he didn't want to read it and address what it was saying then maybe he shouldn't have participated in the conversation at all.

2020-03-24 01:13:19 UTC  

You know what's really funny about this entire situation? Being compared to nietzsche is actually a confidence boost. This idiot made my day by trying to ad hom me and failing.

2020-03-24 01:13:35 UTC  


2020-03-24 01:15:37 UTC  

I addressed the Nietzsche quote specifically

2020-03-24 01:15:43 UTC  

It's OK Phaed doesn't know anything about genetics either.....

2020-03-24 01:16:04 UTC  

So now you're trying to paint this as something it isn't, again? Because you can't hold a debate without trying to discredit your opposition? I literally don't care about genetics, not one bit. That's all it is.

2020-03-24 01:17:07 UTC  

@Jym Get a biologist in here to debate him, I love seeing huge egos getting rekt

2020-03-24 01:17:14 UTC  

In all honesty, any confusion about the Nietzsche quote is your fault to begin with @phadreus. You forget to put quotations around it and not till the very end is there anything to indicate that it is, in fact, a Nietzsche quote instead of just a random man who struggles with simplifying their own mental diarrhea into something easy to read and digest. On a side note, that mental diarrhea is a problem I see with most philosophers which irritates me to no end. I'm far too fond of the simple and straightforward to deal with that verbose, paper-colored slime.

2020-03-24 01:18:38 UTC  


Why bother? I mean I'm not a biologist at best I can read graduate texts *slowly* but it's not like it is worth arguing with someone who cannot recognize the difference between physics and biology.

2020-03-24 01:19:15 UTC  

There's a difference? Maybe that's the problem <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

2020-03-24 01:20:20 UTC  

> So now you're trying to paint this as something it isn't, again? Because you can't hold a debate without trying to discredit your opposition? I literally don't care about genetics, not one bit. That's all it is.
@ETBrooD That's literally what happened though??? <:WaitWhatArmy:590858815189024778>

2020-03-24 01:20:47 UTC  

Yeah it is almost like the essential elements of matter, energy, and the cosmos have no real relationship to the behavior of a hyper-social species of erect primates. Or some dumb redneck shit like that....

2020-03-24 01:21:42 UTC  

> @ETBrooD
> Why bother? I mean I'm not a biologist at best I can read graduate texts *slowly* but it's not like it is worth arguing with someone who cannot recognize the difference between physics and biology.
@Jym Your inability to understand that animals are open systems that shed heat isn't a fault against my argument, regardless of how hard to try to pretend it is.

2020-03-24 01:22:28 UTC  

@phadreus I had no interest in genealogy or whatever in my entire life. Not once. This is not about me dodging a debate.

2020-03-24 01:24:51 UTC  

> In all honesty, any confusion about the Nietzsche quote is your fault to begin with @phadreus. You forget to put quotations around it and not till the very end is there anything to indicate that it is, in fact, a Nietzsche quote instead of just a random man who struggles with simplifying their own mental diarrhea into something easy to read and digest. On a side note, that mental diarrhea is a problem I see with most philosophers which irritates me to no end. I'm far too fond of the simple and straightforward to deal with that verbose, paper-colored slime.
@Alex Fahey Okay, first off, why tf did it take you like 20 minutes to write this? I thought you were working on your own damn post, NOPE, just more nonsensical attacks for no apparent reason.

> On a side note, that mental diarrhea is a problem I see with most philosophers which irritates me to no end.

Just because you have a hard time understanding what such people say doesn't make it "diarrhea". In reality this take is an example of why these people are renowned and why you're nothing.

2020-03-24 01:24:52 UTC  

Eh, over 24 hours ago we covered this. *Everything in the goddamned Universe* sheds energy. Including humans, rocks, assorted marsupials, Hymenoptera, dying stars, the hopes and dreams of teenage girls, and the eventual heat death of the universe.

2020-03-24 01:25:47 UTC  

> In reality this take is an example of why these people are renowned and why you're nothing.

2020-03-24 01:25:49 UTC  

> @phadreus I had no interest in genealogy or whatever in my entire life. Not once. This is not about me dodging a debate.
@ETBrooD I never accused you of such. Pretty sure the comment you're having a fit about was me talking about Hex, lol.

2020-03-24 01:26:50 UTC  

@phadreus I only responded to your Nietzsche quote and I explained why Nietzsche is not the best of philosophers in my opinion. And then I got dragged into some mudslinging. So w/e

2020-03-24 01:26:52 UTC  

@phadreus I was. I decided it wasn't worth my time and effort about halfway through, and I thought "Fuck it; might as well join the shit-show."

2020-03-24 01:27:08 UTC  

> @phadreus I only responded to your Nietzsche quote and I explained why Nietzsche is not the best of philosophers in my opinion. And then I got dragged into some mudslinging. So w/e
@ETBrooD K

2020-03-24 01:27:35 UTC  

> @phadreus I was. I decided it wasn't worth my time and effort about halfway through, and I thought "Fuck it; might as well join the shit-show."
@Alex Fahey You should do that instead

2020-03-24 01:27:55 UTC  

Or better yet, respond to my initial OP 🙂

2020-03-24 01:29:37 UTC  

> Eh, over 24 hours ago we covered this. *Everything in the goddamned Universe* sheds energy. Including humans, rocks, assorted marsupials, Hymenoptera, dying stars, the hopes and dreams of teenage girls, and the eventual heat death of the universe.
@Jym Yep, and that means everything is subject to entropy. See, it's not that hard of a concept... Glad I could help you understand.

2020-03-24 01:31:15 UTC  

In the same way that everything is made of atoms. That does not mean that applying Boyel's Law to the behavior of naked mole rats is somehow legitimate.

2020-03-24 01:31:16 UTC  

By the way, I think my take is the same one you'll find in a lot of physical science focused people. The ability to explain something simply is a great indicator of understanding and the Philosopher's inability to do so with their works is a mark against their galaxy brains. I think it was Einstein who said "if you can't explain it to a child of 6, then you don't understand it." or something of that manner.

2020-03-24 01:31:47 UTC  

> @ETBrooD
> Why bother? I mean I'm not a biologist at best I can read graduate texts *slowly* but it's not like it is worth arguing with someone who cannot recognize the difference between physics and biology.

> Eh, over 24 hours ago we covered this. *Everything in the goddamned Universe* sheds energy. Including humans, rocks, assorted marsupials, Hymenoptera, dying stars, the hopes and dreams of teenage girls, and the eventual heat death of the universe.


2020-03-24 01:32:18 UTC  

Fucking boomers LMAO

2020-03-24 01:32:26 UTC  

I have no clue what's going on

2020-03-24 01:33:01 UTC  

@ETBrooD He doesn't understand how entropy applies to humans and societies and thinks it only applies to stars or some dumb crap.

2020-03-24 01:33:58 UTC  

I don't experience any entropy, that's just my glow

2020-03-24 01:37:37 UTC  

OH I can understand *not at fucking all* rather easilly.

2020-03-24 01:38:38 UTC  

> By the way, I think my take is the same one you'll find in a lot of physical science focused people. The ability to explain something simply is a great indicator of understanding and the Philosopher's inability to do so with their works is a mark against their galaxy brains. I think it was Einstein who said "if you can't explain it to a child of 6, then you don't understand it." or something of that manner.

@Alex Fahey Philosophers, the good philosophers, nietzsche actually being a great example, typically try to ***pack in additional information*** by writing in a very complicated but concise way. I suggest you try slowing down amd really absorbing the information. Maybe try starting with a science based philosopher like freud or etc.

> I think it was Einstein who said "if you can't explain it to a child of 6, then you don't understand it." or something of that manner.

See this is exactly what I mean, Einstein had an IQ of roughly 160 where Nietzsche is thought to have been between 180-200. Despite what you think of nietzsche's mastery of language and ability to explain extremely complex topics in very concise and ways; millions of people have read his books and he has influenced society to extreme measures from the grave.

2020-03-24 01:39:05 UTC  

> I don't experience any entropy, that's just my glow
@ETBrooD lol

2020-03-24 01:42:03 UTC  

What people don't understand about philosophers is that they write in concepts where most people write in sentences. It is necessary to the job to convey as much information in as full a scope as possible and as concisely as they possibly can. That's how it works. If you don't like it or cannot understand it then perhaps it simply isn't for you rather than being "verbal diarrhea".