Alex Fahey

Discord ID: 327139306387013632

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2019-09-20 06:06:49 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

@TraficHat I'm not sure whether I should feel insulted or complimented since I play most shooter campaigns on the highest difficulty first time through. <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928>
Seriously though, I think easy just kind of ruins the story. It completely destroys the impact of, for instance, bosses. If I took the recent Halo as an example, killing the Warden with ease would ruin any weight he has as the big bad guy. However, playing through on something like Heroic or Legendary makes it so I can take him seriously as a character.

@UrstMcRedHead Considering the only time I've seen a "wall slam" happen was with two guys, that would have been a hilarious turn of events to watch.

> Anyone have this happen to them when you click on the Subscriptions tab?
@Zurinduu Never had it happen before but I just went to YouTube and I've got the same thing.

@Zurinduu What's doubly strange is that I can see the subscriptions in the column on the left has my subscriptions in it. What is it Youtube? Do I have subscriptions or not?

Also, apparently Mr. "It's complicated" is live.

> Like hold hands.
@NinjaQuick I was reminded of this poorly drawn suckyoubus by your comment.

Well, it's a hell of a lot better than anything I could draw, so maybe I should just shut my mouth.

I'm just glad I took after my mother in the food department. I always have a shit-ton of food with long shelf lives so I didn't even need to stock up.

If you bought food within the last week or so (depending on what part of the world you are in), then yeah, it probably did lead to the temporary shortage but if you bought food half a month or more before the panic hit your place then it wasn't part of the problem.

2020-03-22 20:50:11 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

Hey, what happened to BKP? I was scrolling through the last week or so of messages and didn't see him. Did he drop out during the month or so I was away? Watching his unending rants about lesbians was my favorite part of this debate channel.

2020-03-22 21:02:10 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

Hmm, that's probably a good thing overall, but I'm still going to miss his proselytizing.

Why is there a small anime girl blocking that beauty?

2020-03-24 01:17:14 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

In all honesty, any confusion about the Nietzsche quote is your fault to begin with @phadreus. You forget to put quotations around it and not till the very end is there anything to indicate that it is, in fact, a Nietzsche quote instead of just a random man who struggles with simplifying their own mental diarrhea into something easy to read and digest. On a side note, that mental diarrhea is a problem I see with most philosophers which irritates me to no end. I'm far too fond of the simple and straightforward to deal with that verbose, paper-colored slime.

2020-03-24 01:26:52 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

@phadreus I was. I decided it wasn't worth my time and effort about halfway through, and I thought "Fuck it; might as well join the shit-show."

2020-03-24 01:31:16 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

By the way, I think my take is the same one you'll find in a lot of physical science focused people. The ability to explain something simply is a great indicator of understanding and the Philosopher's inability to do so with their works is a mark against their galaxy brains. I think it was Einstein who said "if you can't explain it to a child of 6, then you don't understand it." or something of that manner.

2020-03-24 01:44:48 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

It is most certainly not for me. That's why I often consider their works verbal diarrhea, lol. Regardless of how intelligent I may or may not be, questions of an existential nature draw very little of my attention.

2020-03-24 02:21:50 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

@phadreus [Discord's being dumb and won't let me quote anything right now so I just leave out the quote of the argument you referred me to earlier] I'm not sure how I feel about your original argument. While an intelligence/birth rate trade off could be the reason why we have seen no evidence for other super intelligent creatures, it seems quite the leap to take this reason as fact when we have examples of creatures that buck the trend like the crustacean mentioned earlier. It could easily be that another hyper intelligent life form has a direct correlation between intelligence and fertility as opposed to the reverse. I think the water world hypothesis is a far more likely reason for why we see no traces of other hyper-intelligent creatures. They are simply limited by the fact that a lot of landmass is rare on water world's like ours and so intelligence may be contained in sea creatures like dolphins and whales on other worlds. hyper intelligence may be stopped by a limited environment like very little landmass (with our environment being an extremely rare exception) as opposed to an inbuilt intelligence/birth rate trade off in humanity by virtue of simply being a lifeform. However, I see no real flaws with your argument beyond that. If we accept the foundational argument that humanity will cease to exist otherwise and that humanity should continue to exist, then I see no reason why we shouldn't try to keep human subspecies separate and diverse. However, that's the problem. This is one answer among many as to why there is no spacefaring species visiting us. It could just as easily be another very different reason. On a similar note, I remember this study and thought I'd reference it since it's quite related. Apparently, intelligence increases male virility.

@Thundermark I just can't believe this exists "Have sex with people close to you... You should avoid close contact โ€” including sex โ€” with anyone outside your household."

"You don't know the stress that this event has brought me" "Remember that I feel very sad for my actions" What is this shit? This is the shittest apology I've ever seen. Half of it is a pity party.

I did. It just disappoints me that the apology is so low effort. If you are going to waste time making up a bullshit apology just to say go fuck yourself, then at least make it halfway decent.

You can infiltrate pedo rings very easily? I'm not sure I'd describe that as a positive for your character.

@deusvult You bastard, you made me think a cat was dead!

@Son of Rome louder slapping noises I guess?

I was about to say let the furry speak but that crossed the line

Is that be-stars or beast-arse?

@Big Krunkus I'm not quite an expert on gayness but I'd say your subconscious making you suck your own dick qualifies as gay.

I can't believe anyone would argue it isn't gay

I am pretty livid at the state of this chat right now.

Alright, I can't take this anymore, and I'm tired as is. Goodnight everybody.

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