Message from @MrFlupsy

Discord ID: 684505067675713672

2020-03-03 20:56:28 UTC  

or something like this, not having a step kid <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-03 20:56:29 UTC  

Ah now we're making excuses for cucks <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

2020-03-03 20:56:40 UTC  

we are not making excuses for you

2020-03-03 20:56:42 UTC  

Exactly, dino has it roght

2020-03-03 20:56:53 UTC  

I believe the defintion of cuck is just watching your signifgiant other have the sex with someone else

2020-03-03 20:57:04 UTC  

But even so, if that's your thing it's like, alright I guess

2020-03-03 20:57:10 UTC  

A little gay but then again so is all porn

2020-03-03 20:57:15 UTC  

Well dino thinks there's something wrong with you if you don't date interracially so he's wrong by default

2020-03-03 20:57:23 UTC  


2020-03-03 20:57:34 UTC  

I don't believe I've ever said this before

2020-03-03 20:57:37 UTC  

Yes you have

2020-03-03 20:57:40 UTC  


2020-03-03 20:57:45 UTC  

In pal_debate just recently

2020-03-03 20:57:45 UTC

2020-03-03 20:57:50 UTC  

The YouTube comments on Sargons Islam in Britain video are hilarious. Full of boogaloo larpers

2020-03-03 20:58:19 UTC  

To be fair I love the boogaloo

2020-03-03 20:58:23 UTC  

@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) ok, you're forgiven, this shit is way more retarded than the egg nonsense

2020-03-03 20:58:24 UTC  

It's going to be awesome

2020-03-03 20:58:34 UTC  

We need a SIMP reaction

2020-03-03 20:58:45 UTC  

dating interacially? but ofc, I'll date smart jewish girl to raise the IQ

2020-03-03 20:58:45 UTC

2020-03-03 20:58:49 UTC  

But anyways, I think my point was the discriminating and excluding people from society based on race is the issue

2020-03-03 20:58:58 UTC  

Cursed image

2020-03-03 20:59:19 UTC  

Not that you must interbreed with someone of another race, only that if you don't want others to do it and want to kick said people out of society, then yeah there's a problem

2020-03-03 20:59:34 UTC  

Discrimination based on race is well, racism, and of course I'm personally against this

2020-03-03 20:59:39 UTC  

Having the sex is different

2020-03-03 20:59:40 UTC  

Lol, no. Excluding and discriminating ppl based on race is the solution

2020-03-03 20:59:44 UTC  


2020-03-03 21:00:15 UTC  

Only the blacks and middle eastern ppl tho

2020-03-03 21:00:19 UTC  

I'm doubtful of this since it tends to lead to inbreeding. The less diverse your genepool is the more likely you are to succumb to diseases or get genetic diseases <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-03 21:00:21 UTC  

guys guys, think about it

2020-03-03 21:00:35 UTC  

Guys we should form an anti-ethnostate: you exclusively can only mate with differing races so that no one has an original race by the first 2 generations

2020-03-03 21:00:36 UTC

2020-03-03 21:00:48 UTC  

U kick out the Muslims from the UK and 90% of the pedo grooming gangs are solved and rape and sexual assault drops by 70-80%

2020-03-03 21:00:52 UTC  

don't make me start declaring my love for luscious brown booty

2020-03-03 21:01:02 UTC  

inter-racial breeding, yes it will kill your race, but so it will destroy the other races, so ... it's like suicide bombing etnostate

2020-03-03 21:01:35 UTC  

The reason why the potato famine happened was there was no genetic diversity among the potatoes, hence the all got wiped out. The reason why certain people survived the bubonic plague was they had an inherent resistant to it, but certain people didn't. If you are too homogeneous as a society, you tend to succumb to plagues, famines and that sort of thing. Eventually an insular society becomes weak, even if outright inbreeding doesn't happen

2020-03-03 21:01:36 UTC  

the ancestors will smile upon you

2020-03-03 21:01:47 UTC  

Make women know their place again. The kitchen.

2020-03-03 21:01:55 UTC  

retard hours

2020-03-03 21:02:05 UTC  

I like the idea of erasing all the current races and starting new ones. I’m tired of the same old black vs white bs