Message from @GCMoney

Discord ID: 684509185513226268

2020-03-03 21:11:39 UTC  

The perks of being white: you can shit on other white ppl like Russians or Italians and no once can call u razis

2020-03-03 21:12:15 UTC  

No ones gonna call you racist for that anyway

2020-03-03 21:12:25 UTC  

People USED to

2020-03-03 21:12:31 UTC  

Before the left went full retard

2020-03-03 21:12:32 UTC  

well, if you want to be honest about 'racism' and shit, I'd say it's the responsability of you to discipline your community.
is the black com. looked down upon? then beat the shit out of your 'fellow blacks' if they missbehave

2020-03-03 21:12:36 UTC  

Fuckin greasy Italians

2020-03-03 21:13:17 UTC  

I'm real, I'm romanian, and 10 years ago, we were seen as a country of thieves

2020-03-03 21:13:25 UTC  

until they gotten beaten by our own

2020-03-03 21:13:31 UTC  

and then it became just a meme

2020-03-03 21:13:41 UTC  


2020-03-03 21:13:42 UTC  

this is how you solve the problem

2020-03-03 21:13:45 UTC  

if you want to solve it

2020-03-03 21:14:05 UTC  

Africa's been doing more than that to themselves

2020-03-03 21:14:22 UTC  

but is the africans that are causing the crimes in america ? 🤔

2020-03-03 21:14:34 UTC  

are the nigerians, the etiopians doing it?

2020-03-03 21:14:44 UTC  

I'm only looking these up due to the conversation people had earlier xD

2020-03-03 21:14:50 UTC  

Ayyy beanie man

2020-03-03 21:14:56 UTC  

Somehow this is proof it's Trump's fault

2020-03-03 21:15:07 UTC  

The coronavirus might be a gift to democracy afterall

2020-03-03 21:15:15 UTC  

If he just didn't defend America from Iran's aggression none of this would of happened and they wouldn't have viciously killed their own people!

2020-03-03 21:15:30 UTC  

I know right, I keep thinking to myself, maybe we'll get lucky and they'll take themselves out xD

2020-03-03 21:15:36 UTC  

This is God’s justice

2020-03-03 21:16:05 UTC  

Lefty diplomacy: bend over and spread cheeks

2020-03-03 21:16:12 UTC  

The democrats seem to be going that way, Corona virus, Iran blowing up their own stuff... just maybe we can let them take themselves out. These organizations are obviously bad and essentially destined to implode on themselves, maybe it's finally happening xD

2020-03-03 21:16:13 UTC  


2020-03-03 21:16:36 UTC  

As we all know, they signed a peace of paper. Surely this peace treaty means they will never be able to attack us, it works like a force field, right...?

2020-03-03 21:16:45 UTC  


2020-03-03 21:16:54 UTC  

Hitler takes over half of Europe: "But wait, you weren't supposed to do that D:"

2020-03-03 21:16:54 UTC  

That is my nono *gamesphere*

2020-03-03 21:17:12 UTC  

the virus is just political powder for the socialists, they will blame it for the socialists losing in europe in the next year

2020-03-03 21:17:13 UTC  

Who would suspect that terrorists end up violating peace treaties, hmm...

2020-03-03 21:17:41 UTC  

They are already trying to blame Trump for the coronavirus despite being the strictest president on immigration we've had in years

2020-03-03 21:17:49 UTC  

like how does the left not see their hands in front of their own faces smh

2020-03-03 21:18:16 UTC  

Blaming Trump for the coronavirus is literally blaming vaccines for autism

2020-03-03 21:18:26 UTC  

Trump is using the peace treaty with the Taliban as a cover. He’s really getting our troops out of the line of fire of the coronavirus but doesn’t wanna spook us

2020-03-03 21:18:35 UTC  

He knows they’ll violate it

2020-03-03 21:18:38 UTC  

And go back in

2020-03-03 21:18:39 UTC  

but autism creates the vaccines, because scientist tend to be autists