Message from @Skoal
Discord ID: 684508462645903389
Nah one is my boss he's rly smart. Used to work for the US gvt
🤔 is he indian? all indians are called Raaj
All of the ones I know are coders
Makes sense
and they also work for microsoft support team
India has a caste system, so only the one's at the bottom shit in the street, duh. The higher ups get to use the manholes
This is the Indian way
But no a lot of these people tend to be programmers
btw, heard that in China, they are shitting even more
on the streets
O yeah the caste system is like the most racist thing on planet Earth no one questions it lol
@Skoal I never lie
You can't be racist against white people and white racist hedge-monies run the planet of course xD
Except in idk, Japan, India, Korea, many places in Africa, uh...
Cuz science
You can’t be racist to us...OR ELSE
The perks of being white: you can shit on other white ppl like Russians or Italians and no once can call u razis
People USED to
Before the left went full retard
well, if you want to be honest about 'racism' and shit, I'd say it's the responsability of you to discipline your community.
is the black com. looked down upon? then beat the shit out of your 'fellow blacks' if they missbehave
Fuckin greasy Italians
I'm real, I'm romanian, and 10 years ago, we were seen as a country of thieves
until they gotten beaten by our own
and then it became just a meme
this is how you solve the problem
if you want to solve it
Africa's been doing more than that to themselves
but is the africans that are causing the crimes in america ? 🤔
are the nigerians, the etiopians doing it?
I'm only looking these up due to the conversation people had earlier xD
Ayyy beanie man
Somehow this is proof it's Trump's fault
The coronavirus might be a gift to democracy afterall
If he just didn't defend America from Iran's aggression none of this would of happened and they wouldn't have viciously killed their own people!