Message from @Khanclansith
Discord ID: 507241825812348938
they tried adding minimum wage and we now have larger unemployment
because businesses cut jobs
SABC fired 1000 people
my old job Fired 30
especially smaller business
1500 euros is the average mothly salary compared to the 1300 Euros monthly pension
because of Affirmative action coupled with Minimum wage
you fire most of the minoritys
our affirmative action is More in line to help the Mayority
thats ironic
Yeah south african BEE policy
Black economic empowerment sceme
80% of your workforce must be black
Identity politics are retarded
it hasnt worked
15 years of it failing
and they still push it
collectivist policy will never work
what makes matters worse is the goverment Lowered the Education standard
to keep them stupid
Instead of Encouraging hard work
they make it 30% to pass math
in highschool
education is broken
so you see the main problem isnt "white people taking the land " its uneducated Mayority Who cant Work for shit no drive no ethics because they are handed everything for free
they force kids to learn information they dont know what to do with and also teach them to compartmentalize not integrate
Does anyone here know the term used in late 19th Century for race was?
"level of productive potential"? 😛
No, in the age of Karl Marx race was called Nationality and what we call nationality now was citizenship or subjectship.
fuck i found a qoute from my former President and i want to laugh
“Because if you are not an African, you cannot be a white, then what are you? You don’t know. You can’t explain yourself. How then can you grow children?”
yeah the way of defining different races seems to be chaning
National Socialism is Racial Socialism, hence people like the ANC in South Africa are National Socialists
national socialism isnt bad because its racist though
ANC is Centre Left Black nationalists