Message from @Walsp
Discord ID: 507299043160883200
fair enough
nani nani
i always found DM'ing to be rather forward, like "Ey you, yes you, fix my shit" as opposed to just dropping an @mention somewhere for them to get to when they have to
DM's are better, @'s are for kids
ohnoz, im a kid 😦
DrWol confirmed kid
I only dm'ed tim becuase I didnt want neurol to see that I reported him
What do you guys think about mods who censor people for disagreeing . I dont mean fighting but just not agreeing .
Dude scared me
the guy was pretty freaky
I found a person in <#463068752725016579> who doesnt respect property rights of the rich
Property rights is for everyone
Thats equality
oh no
he respects them
I respect property rights for all, cuz ultimately its MY property! cuz i own the world!!
do you want us to dogpile poor Payne?
I gotta go to bed guys
@Blackhawk342 hahahah sure
Not your personal army
Cheers mate
my gawd
@JDM_WAAAT sort this/my shit out 😉
good night codes
Listen frodo ... about your ring being destroyed
don't bash the hornets nest Dave, you gonna get stung
fancy chatting in the waiting room? 😄
as the "anti property rights " said
No, I don't hate them, I hate Anti-Competitive things that go against the free/open market and that one company forces another one to do it their way and exclude competition.
Hah republic of dave
Fallout reference
but hey, as long as youve got an enemy to hate go for it
Today is daves election