Message from @NinjaQuick

Discord ID: 687718215245103292

2020-03-12 17:36:48 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:37:50 UTC

2020-03-12 17:38:12 UTC

2020-03-12 17:38:39 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:41:07 UTC  

EU is so used to shitting on independent sovereignty they forget the US doesn't have to do jack shit for them

2020-03-12 17:41:32 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:41:47 UTC  

Let the eu roll in its own filth

2020-03-12 17:42:15 UTC  

I do like the no travel from the eu but the uk is fine lol

2020-03-12 17:42:24 UTC  

Consult the EU? How about EU can just shut the fuck up. The us doesn't need the EU to exist.

2020-03-12 17:42:46 UTC  

I mean why does the eu still exist

2020-03-12 17:43:25 UTC  

> I mean why does the eu still exist
@Mentrex b/c EUrocrats like $ & power

2020-03-12 17:43:52 UTC  

From what I see you have like 5 well 4 now countries giving money and that money is being spread across

2020-03-12 17:44:02 UTC  

Commie style

2020-03-12 17:44:47 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:45:16 UTC  

The Ed Edd n eddy dub

2020-03-12 17:46:12 UTC  

UK is more strict about sandnigges

2020-03-12 17:46:27 UTC  

Is it though

2020-03-12 17:46:39 UTC  

Yeah slightly.

2020-03-12 17:46:40 UTC  

I no what’s going on in Sweden

2020-03-12 17:47:14 UTC  

The uk started that trend

2020-03-12 17:47:34 UTC  

Letting me get away with shit and it bled into other countries

2020-03-12 17:47:39 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:48:40 UTC  

Ask a Norman who he is

2020-03-12 17:48:55 UTC  

and he won't say French, he'll say Norman

2020-03-12 17:49:00 UTC  

but he's a liar

2020-03-12 17:49:06 UTC  

the clue's in he smells bad

2020-03-12 17:49:09 UTC  

eats frogs

2020-03-12 17:49:15 UTC  

and answered you in fucking French

2020-03-12 17:49:59 UTC

2020-03-12 17:50:05 UTC

2020-03-12 17:50:39 UTC  

no snak on kek

2020-03-12 17:51:05 UTC

2020-03-12 17:52:20 UTC  

cucks are disgusting. No man should ever sexually submit himself to another male. Maybe coronachan will ... naturally select them out of the population for us

2020-03-12 17:52:26 UTC  


2020-03-12 17:52:46 UTC  

praise corona chan