Message from @donborvio

Discord ID: 688047734003204121

2020-03-13 15:32:37 UTC  

Even though people don't understand what that means

2020-03-13 15:32:42 UTC  

retards are still saying its JuSt ThE fLu BrO

2020-03-13 15:33:11 UTC  

they recon the mortality rate globally is about 1%

2020-03-13 15:33:14 UTC  

last i heard

2020-03-13 15:33:30 UTC  

we wont know the true death rate until its literally everywhere

2020-03-13 15:33:38 UTC  

and everyone has it

2020-03-13 15:33:49 UTC  

We have one case in my country and schools and banks are already planning to close down

2020-03-13 15:33:53 UTC  

give it a few months and we will know

2020-03-13 15:34:23 UTC  


2020-03-13 15:34:35 UTC  

well is USA today a good source lol

2020-03-13 15:34:45 UTC  

give it time

2020-03-13 15:34:45 UTC  

Okay, The Hill then

2020-03-13 15:34:52 UTC  

and coronavirus death rate will spike

2020-03-13 15:34:52 UTC  

never heard of it

2020-03-13 15:34:59 UTC  

Shilling for flu shots

2020-03-13 15:36:03 UTC  

```This is what you can conclude:
Excluding these, countries that are prepared will see a fatality rate of ~0.5% (South Korea) to 0.9% (rest of China).
Countries that are overwhelmed will have a fatality rate between ~3%-5%```

2020-03-13 15:36:19 UTC  

look at whats going on in italy i dont think the standard flu would do that

2020-03-13 15:36:28 UTC  

> Blacks are not getting Coronavirus!
> Coronavirus cannot attack black people because it is a Chinese virus -
> History teaches us that Chinese plus black is a no go.
> **For example, it is well known that a Chinese/black crossing creates, invariably a car thief that cannot drive.**

2020-03-13 15:36:34 UTC  


2020-03-13 15:36:40 UTC  

thats pure retardation

2020-03-13 15:36:47 UTC

2020-03-13 15:36:50 UTC  

T̴̽̈́H̵̐̕E̶̒̕ ̶̻͗T̶͛̂Í̷̈́Ḿ̵͝E̵̊͗ ̸̓͂H̵̋̀A̸̛̚S̶̾̆ ̵̆́C̵̾͌Ó̷̎M̸͐̃Ě̷͋ ̷͂̌ ̴́̀

̴͔͘T̶͒͠Ḧ̷́͋E̵͗̓ ̶̛͗Ṕ̷͑R̶̩̉O̴͆͝P̵̋̒Ḧ̷́̋Ë̶͝C̶̨̎Y̷̌͌ ̵͗͛I̵̊͒S̴̆͋ ̸̫̂Ḟ̴̈Ư̴̈́L̸͘͝F̸͆͊Ị̸͘L̶͒̕L̴͋̍E̶̛̕D̵̿̔


2020-03-13 15:37:33 UTC  

WTF he actually tweeted that

2020-03-13 15:37:44 UTC  


2020-03-13 15:38:20 UTC  

No, he actually tweeted that

2020-03-13 15:38:36 UTC  

Blasians btfo

2020-03-13 15:42:00 UTC  

The black guy that got the entire NBA session shut down should get in contact with McAfee

2020-03-13 15:42:41 UTC  

That's fucking amazing

2020-03-13 15:42:49 UTC

2020-03-13 15:43:38 UTC  

I see a noticeable lack of crosses with the uk

2020-03-13 15:43:41 UTC  

Monica btfo

2020-03-13 15:44:24 UTC  

Wtf UK

2020-03-13 15:45:24 UTC  

What's China's status and why isn't it there?

2020-03-13 15:45:38 UTC

2020-03-13 15:46:28 UTC  

My wife came back early from work this morning. Her whole company has shut down b/c of CV19