Message from @Jim

Discord ID: 688135128316379238

2020-03-13 21:06:48 UTC

2020-03-13 21:07:03 UTC

2020-03-13 21:07:08 UTC

2020-03-13 21:07:45 UTC

2020-03-13 21:08:02 UTC

2020-03-13 21:08:50 UTC

2020-03-13 21:08:59 UTC  

taco language

2020-03-13 21:13:26 UTC  

Decorated Italy

2020-03-13 21:14:36 UTC

2020-03-13 21:15:18 UTC

2020-03-13 21:15:26 UTC  

next up at pawn shit

2020-03-13 21:15:59 UTC  

when your elected official wants to bring in Immigrants, QUICK COUGH ON HIM

2020-03-13 21:19:21 UTC

2020-03-13 21:19:23 UTC  

hows corona virus in india ? can wait calling the support line because i dont wana get that indian-english mix BS

2020-03-13 21:21:36 UTC  

india has apparnetly contianed it and aren't reporting more cases

2020-03-13 21:22:03 UTC  

'aren't reporting more cases' is the key words here

2020-03-13 21:22:30 UTC  

81 reported cases. 2 deaths so far

2020-03-13 21:22:43 UTC  

@tea_in_space Bring an immigrant from China to cough on him

2020-03-13 21:23:19 UTC

2020-03-13 21:23:39 UTC  

visigoth gang

2020-03-13 21:23:45 UTC  

wow i went and got some shit from the supermarket and it was empty

2020-03-13 21:23:45 UTC  

Look, they just wanted some of that famous italian icecream

2020-03-13 21:24:04 UTC  

ok now that amazon basically banned anime patreon did so too

2020-03-13 21:24:07 UTC  

@Mentrex That probably means it's already infected, you just missed the signs <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-13 21:24:13 UTC  


2020-03-13 21:24:31 UTC  

that or every one in nz is a prepper

2020-03-13 21:24:41 UTC  

The porn industry is nothing if not resourceful

2020-03-13 21:24:46 UTC  

They'll find a way

2020-03-13 21:24:53 UTC  

they always do

2020-03-13 21:26:11 UTC  


2020-03-13 21:30:45 UTC  

The porn industry does a better job screening for diseases than the CDC. They’ll be fine.

2020-03-13 21:31:31 UTC

2020-03-13 21:31:31 UTC  


2020-03-13 21:32:26 UTC  

this pleases me

2020-03-13 21:32:42 UTC

2020-03-13 21:37:52 UTC  

@Gaylien I bet he isn't quarantined.

2020-03-13 21:39:03 UTC  

a black xcom player ? 99.5% chance of sudden death

2020-03-13 21:39:18 UTC  

I dont even get it

2020-03-13 21:39:25 UTC  

why are people so hell bent on getting toilet paper