Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 508429439009292288

2018-11-03 23:53:24 UTC  

then again the developers aren't that great anyway

2018-11-03 23:53:27 UTC  

If the game doesn't have horse testicle physics, it's not worth playing.

2018-11-03 23:53:35 UTC  

Digital Extremes is pretty good

2018-11-03 23:53:40 UTC  


2018-11-03 23:54:17 UTC  

they're hardly a comparison for bethesda though

2018-11-03 23:54:31 UTC  

they're only making one game lol

2018-11-03 23:54:45 UTC  


2018-11-03 23:54:46 UTC  

Having an anatomically correct simulation of equine testicles is the bare minimum video game players should be able to expect nowadays.

2018-11-03 23:54:54 UTC  

arizona might flip

2018-11-03 23:54:55 UTC  


2018-11-03 23:55:17 UTC  

I don't like Perturbed Peter, but look at this clip from FO76

2018-11-03 23:55:29 UTC  

Large gaming companies get shity as they get big because they start generalizing their games

2018-11-03 23:55:37 UTC  

You are at NO RISK from other players. What's even the point?

2018-11-03 23:55:38 UTC  

Fun fact: Red Dead Redemption spends more computing power on rendering horse testicles than your entire computer did on early video games.

2018-11-03 23:55:46 UTC  

in order to expand their markets

2018-11-03 23:56:22 UTC  

indie games are the future. I don't think there's any way around it

2018-11-03 23:56:34 UTC  

That is because investors and whatnot always demand "More Sales"

2018-11-03 23:56:46 UTC  

instead of "Hey we made a profit, YAY US! lets do it like that again!"

2018-11-03 23:57:00 UTC  

and they standardize what they think works

2018-11-03 23:57:04 UTC  

The economy in general will be far more ad hoc. The gig economy is coming and it's being helped by the mass exodus of men from big corp.

2018-11-03 23:57:18 UTC  

and make decisions based on data instead of what is fun

2018-11-03 23:57:29 UTC  

Crypto currency and the Internet are helping this development.

2018-11-03 23:58:05 UTC  

Far more than the current value of some random crypto currency, I care about that paradigm shift that it can bring about.

2018-11-03 23:58:19 UTC  

I have high hopes. It might revolutionize our economy and way of life.

2018-11-03 23:58:21 UTC  

If there might be guardian spice involved??

2018-11-03 23:59:26 UTC  

if people start to use crypto currencys current economy will crash.
whitch is good thing.

2018-11-03 23:59:36 UTC  

Well, that's sad, but I guess people can still watch the titles affected elsewhere.

2018-11-03 23:59:55 UTC  

I never really had trouble finding any anime I wanted in good quality.

2018-11-04 00:00:14 UTC  

But, maybe I am being dense about the full range of implications.

2018-11-04 00:00:20 UTC  

I think it is the other way around, when the economy crashes we will see a rise in crypto currency

2018-11-04 00:00:23 UTC  

Crypto Currency might actually be a real world currency...

2018-11-04 00:00:38 UTC  

is this some weird type of shadowban where i can't watch videos on Twitter anymore wtf

2018-11-04 00:00:40 UTC  

fuck sjw guardian spic

2018-11-04 00:00:56 UTC  

No, Twitter videos are public.

2018-11-04 00:01:00 UTC  


2018-11-04 00:01:03 UTC  

i'm memeing

2018-11-04 00:01:03 UTC  

fuck crunchy roll lern to torrent anime you fucking weebs

2018-11-04 00:01:04 UTC  

but like

2018-11-04 00:01:09 UTC  

i cant watch Twitter videos