Message from @Torpid
Discord ID: 509456368126656540
I am near Harvard
And I want a bio degree
But I don't wanna with 5 million leftists
I want a diverse environment
Where can i go without brainwashing there
Gay? Don't blame me for antifa! :P
I live in Orange County
true, i made that mistake with college...didn't look at the political makeup and then got fucked by it
Away from the lunatics
Lesbians for reason :+)
@DrYuriMom lol being gay is literally gay I mean you are literally gay
But now the lunatics are coming to OC after destroying LA and voting the exact same way that caused the problems...
Okay, back to duty
gop could win ca gov's race if they picked a high profile person like when they picked ahnold instead of the same milquetoast old white businessman type they always pick
gop didn't pick arnold i thought
the GOP here I think is very apathetic due to this being a heavy blue state
it was an open election because of the referendum and he just ran
was my understanding
rouqen they also pick uninspiring candidates why not persuade a ben shapiro or david spade or someone like that to run
Would love to see a GOP candidate become a Jedi master of meme magic
How could Shapiro even campaign---he can't even speak at Berkeley without getting the heckler's boycott
you dont see dems just throw in the towel in places like montana shouldnt be conceding so many states they could at least force d's to use resources
Seems like the conservatives overall are better at me metric warfare now anyway
especially governors races where voters on both sides of the aisle are elastic and willing to vote for the opposite party then they usually do
some times you have to
California so far gone they have races where the democrats are runnign agaisnt each other
look at tonight super red kansas and oklahoma might elect a dem govs and super blue mass and maryland will elect repub governors no excuse for ca gop to consistently field dud candidates
Hate my phones auto spell checker..... no idea how to turn it off either
literally recruiting stacey dash,dean cain or scott baio would be better then what they do now
Palpatine isn't in the new triology why would they bring in a young version of him?
The gay behind Dilbert should run.. maybe Adam Carolla as well
because there's nowhere else for the story to go
Adam Carolla isn't a republican.
Scott Adams /Dilbert
What you guys think of election day so far?