Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 509739774081368084

2018-11-07 14:41:47 UTC  

Did America ever fight Russia? I legit don't remember **shit** from school

2018-11-07 14:42:04 UTC  

In the 1950's Dems and Repubs both struggled with racism. Eisenhower was very open to black agency and was the first to send in the national guard. Truman earlier had desegregated the military.

2018-11-07 14:42:09 UTC  

Lol cold war

2018-11-07 14:42:18 UTC  

(hits head on desK)

2018-11-07 14:42:19 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:42:25 UTC  

Proxy wars yes

2018-11-07 14:42:30 UTC  

Not directly

2018-11-07 14:42:32 UTC  

Idk what that means

2018-11-07 14:42:40 UTC  

you use other countries to wage it

2018-11-07 14:42:43 UTC  

you dont directly do it

2018-11-07 14:42:43 UTC  

I'm pretty sure in Rocky 4 America fought Russia.

2018-11-07 14:42:45 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:42:49 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:42:50 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:42:57 UTC  

Syria is a proxy war between Nato and Russia

2018-11-07 14:43:27 UTC  

The 60's caused things to get messy. The south still had plenty of Jim Crow dems but Kennedy and then Johnson moved civil right to the national stage culminating in the Civil Rights acts of '65 and '67 which were pushed through by Pres Johnson but had bipartisan support

2018-11-07 14:43:30 UTC  

Oh, and in Red Dawn too, i believe.

2018-11-07 14:43:44 UTC  

Bay of Pigglets invasion

2018-11-07 14:43:45 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:43:46 UTC  

At the same time, though, many southern dems switched to become republicans.

2018-11-07 14:43:52 UTC  

Over Jim Crow

2018-11-07 14:43:56 UTC  

I'll have these niggars voting Democrat for the next 200 years

2018-11-07 14:44:04 UTC  

what a hero

2018-11-07 14:44:17 UTC  

Johnson was a racist but he cared about the poor, whether white or black

2018-11-07 14:44:31 UTC  

the syria war ended months ago

2018-11-07 14:44:31 UTC  

syria is proxy between US/nato/Isreal vs Russia/iran/syria VS turkey.

2018-11-07 14:44:32 UTC  

i was gonna say isnt he dead

2018-11-07 14:44:38 UTC  

around july 17th

2018-11-07 14:44:44 UTC  

(I'm a terribly typist :p )

2018-11-07 14:44:50 UTC  

rebels got crushed right

2018-11-07 14:45:07 UTC  

*muffled Imperial March in the distance*

2018-11-07 14:45:07 UTC  

Syrian FM has called for refugees to come back

2018-11-07 14:45:11 UTC  

Korea was also a proxy war

2018-11-07 14:45:21 UTC  

and jordan and isreal reopened their borders

2018-11-07 14:45:31 UTC  

same with afganistan in the 80s

2018-11-07 14:45:44 UTC  

Anyway, whatever you believe about the Southern Strategy, Nixon saw broad support in the south including from elected officials that were unabashed Jim Crow racists

2018-11-07 14:46:34 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:47:43 UTC  

Fast forward to the 80's and Reagan's "War on Drugs". The laws were designed such that drugs used primarily by minorities carried much harsher penalties than drugs used primarily by whites. Crack cocaine versus powder being the best example. This resulted in vastly disproportionate numbers of black and Latino males getting felony charges. The impact of this reverberates in American culture to this day.

2018-11-07 14:47:57 UTC  


2018-11-07 14:48:23 UTC  

Now were there dems who voted for the unequal drug laws - yes.