Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 510755180229165066

2018-11-10 09:52:46 UTC  


2018-11-10 09:52:53 UTC  

Can it melt dank memes?

2018-11-10 09:53:47 UTC  

probably not

2018-11-10 09:53:51 UTC  

@Jasse Thats because i don't ignore reality,
Everything you explain can be explained without "The jews" planning it all,

If the Jews were so brilliant they'd be smart enough to actually have the nation on top as theirs, not one surviving simply cuz of the protection from the west,

In addition IF they were that smart, they'd be smart enough to also run this "shadow government" in a way that people would be happy and want them to be in charge, as opposed to having people complain how shitty everything is.

Your world view literally contradicts itself, thats why i refused to believe it, it just doesn't add up

2018-11-10 09:54:51 UTC  

Jews aren't "better" than the rest of the world, the common people everywhere are still retards

2018-11-10 09:55:17 UTC  

I would really like the 'net in general to hash out this Jew theory.

2018-11-10 09:56:02 UTC  

Honestly, it's such a mess, we need a proper common taxonomy of these insidious JQ memes.

2018-11-10 09:56:22 UTC  

I have never really gotten anywhere on it. I've learned some interesting things here and there - but never really come to a resolution.

2018-11-10 09:56:28 UTC  

some sort of knowledge graph of expert system maybe

2018-11-10 09:56:42 UTC  

why not just file them under "fake news" xorgy?

2018-11-10 09:56:45 UTC  

I think it's that it's a world view dominated by wishful thinking

2018-11-10 09:57:00 UTC  

A desire to believe that somebody, surely somebody, is in control

2018-11-10 09:57:03 UTC  

I won't just brush it aside as "insidious". If it's wrong, we should be able to show it's wrong. If not, it's not insidious.

2018-11-10 09:57:14 UTC  

which is more manageable for the simple-minded than knowing that nobody is in control

2018-11-10 09:57:22 UTC  

well those views tend to come from people who are scared that reality is not being controlled

2018-11-10 09:57:42 UTC  

and that we're metaphorically, in an airplane thats crashing down, and theres no pilot on board

2018-11-10 09:57:54 UTC  

the simple solution is to become the pilot!

2018-11-10 09:57:57 UTC  

and everyone just wants a go at cuz the think THEY can save it

2018-11-10 09:58:34 UTC  

But, we can.

2018-11-10 09:58:40 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird I say insidious because it obscures glaringly obvious explanations of things in the world.

2018-11-10 09:58:44 UTC  

We already found things that work well.

2018-11-10 09:58:53 UTC  

It might sound boring, but let's just keep doing what works.

2018-11-10 09:58:58 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird gravity is the work of THE JEWS

2018-11-10 09:59:10 UTC  

@Dr.Wol `If the Jews were so brilliant they'd be smart enough to actually have the nation on top as theirs, not one surviving simply cuz of the protection from the west.`
they are exploiting west and controlling US. they are litterally using US as their army in middle east. they dont have to fight them selfs when they can send americans to do it for them.

`In addition IF they were that smart, they'd be smart enough to also run this "shadow government" in a way that people would be happy and want them to be in charge, as opposed to having people complain how shitty everything is.`
why you think they want you to be happy?
They have all the power to do what ever they want as shadow goverment. and elected people get all the hate and blame.
they are litterally replasing white population.

2018-11-10 09:59:12 UTC  

yeah, and then you'll have people going "You're mean! i wanna take a turn you FACE-ist"

2018-11-10 09:59:17 UTC  

Free markets has worked - at least, better than anything else we tried. Decentralization of power has worked. Let's just do more of that.

2018-11-10 09:59:42 UTC  

I assure you Americans are not the primary force fighting for Israel.

2018-11-10 09:59:54 UTC  

Human life is too important to just engage in trial and error.

2018-11-10 10:00:04 UTC  

nor are they the primary source of funds for their defense

2018-11-10 10:00:10 UTC  

and owning moneys supply(FED) and media gives them all the controll they need.

2018-11-10 10:00:22 UTC  

So why would they waste that money paying for the US help, if they just took the US as their main country they'd not need an army or protection, they could be the one demanding money for protection

2018-11-10 10:00:25 UTC  

they have a strong and diverse economy which they begrudgingly allowed the market to develop for them, because their socialist nonsense was failing when they needed munitions the most.

2018-11-10 10:00:41 UTC  

And i didn't say they wanted me to be happy,

But a happy person is easier to control than one who says "You suck i want another leader"

2018-11-10 10:00:43 UTC  

"give me control over a nation's currency and i care not who makes its laws"

2018-11-10 10:00:58 UTC  

We should fight the MSM either way. If it's Jews controlling them - you got what you wanted. Some power have been taken from the Jews. If they don't control it, it was still a good thing.

2018-11-10 10:01:08 UTC  

You talk as if Jews are the only kind of people who want money and power

2018-11-10 10:01:20 UTC  

in what sense do "the jews" in a broad sense "control" the U.S. dollar?

2018-11-10 10:01:39 UTC  

some big people of the US national bank are jews

2018-11-10 10:01:46 UTC  

ergo Joo's control the banks

2018-11-10 10:01:56 UTC  

litterally OWN federal reserve

2018-11-10 10:01:58 UTC  

ergo Joo's control the marxism of a bank