Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 510757520273309698

2018-11-10 10:04:41 UTC  

I think that was a thing in game of thrones

2018-11-10 10:05:07 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:05:28 UTC  

FED is totally not part of goverment.
and you are saying its not owned by anoyne.

2018-11-10 10:05:31 UTC  

The concept of abstract/imaginary things which are not owned by anyone is not special. The Federal Reserve is just one thing.

2018-11-10 10:05:44 UTC  

It is sorta part of the government, but also sorta not.

2018-11-10 10:06:04 UTC  

I researched that part.

2018-11-10 10:06:04 UTC  

It is at least not *owned* by anyone.

2018-11-10 10:06:22 UTC  

doesn't mean it doesn't have assets, and doesn't mean it doesn't have people operating it

2018-11-10 10:06:27 UTC  

It seems it is correct that Jews have a disproportionate representation in media and finance. I think that can be accepted as a fact.

2018-11-10 10:06:28 UTC  

but owning it is a different matter

2018-11-10 10:06:39 UTC  

But that should only be a data point.

2018-11-10 10:06:55 UTC  

Other ethnicities have overrepresentation in other areas.

2018-11-10 10:07:06 UTC  

South and East Asians have a disproportionate representation in engineering.

2018-11-10 10:07:13 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:07:18 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:07:30 UTC  

"There are also various advisory councils. Thus, the Federal Reserve System has both public and private components.[list 2] It has a structure unique among central banks, and is also unusual in that the United States Department of the Treasury, an entity outside of the central bank, prints the currency used."

2018-11-10 10:07:32 UTC  

engineering doesnt give you any power over people.

2018-11-10 10:07:34 UTC  

White people are overrepresented in swimming.

2018-11-10 10:07:36 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:07:53 UTC  

Engineering gives you every sort of power

2018-11-10 10:08:02 UTC  

Engineers made guns after all 😉

2018-11-10 10:08:04 UTC  

You're probably running code I wrote, if I wrote it a bit different I could be... exerting a lot of power over you.

2018-11-10 10:08:20 UTC  

@Dr.Wol also made big tsar bomba <a:HammerSickle:470338844345237514>

2018-11-10 10:08:29 UTC  

now, that sort of thing is tricky, since the other engineers would probably notice before it got to you in that state

2018-11-10 10:08:30 UTC  

nah that was Joo's according to Jasse 😉

2018-11-10 10:08:35 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:08:37 UTC  

but those engineers basically have you by the balls, Jesse

2018-11-10 10:08:40 UTC  

and who used that tsar bomba?

2018-11-10 10:08:46 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:08:53 UTC  

nobody used the tsar bomba

2018-11-10 10:08:56 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:09:02 UTC  

@xorgy USSR did.

2018-11-10 10:09:04 UTC  

Tsar Bomba was tested on a deserted island

2018-11-10 10:09:09 UTC  

sure, but they didn't _use_ it

2018-11-10 10:09:11 UTC  

they developed it

2018-11-10 10:09:13 UTC  

and USSR leadership was over 90% jews😏

2018-11-10 10:09:13 UTC  

they did

2018-11-10 10:09:14 UTC  

they used it as a test

2018-11-10 10:09:15 UTC  

they made it

2018-11-10 10:09:16 UTC  


2018-11-10 10:09:18 UTC  
