Message from @Dusty Morgan

Discord ID: 510991955384205313

2018-11-11 01:30:36 UTC  

That's a purdy mushroom

2018-11-11 01:30:51 UTC  

There is only 2mill people in broward country...

2018-11-11 01:31:00 UTC  

This election ballot counting shouldn't take that long.

2018-11-11 01:31:09 UTC  

Ffs πŸ˜‚

2018-11-11 01:31:32 UTC  

Bet you there is like 5mill votes from 2million population county.

2018-11-11 01:31:56 UTC  

Well DUH, how else can the dems pad the vote enough to steal the election from the whole state.

2018-11-11 01:32:31 UTC  

Democrats are so fucking corrupt.

2018-11-11 01:33:21 UTC  

ty to 4am for this

2018-11-11 01:35:50 UTC  

"Several people that have gone through the same situation, losing their dog to cancer, said, 'Just make sure that you give her the best few months of her life left,'" Heroux told NBC 10 News. β€œAnd I took that to heart.”

2018-11-11 01:36:05 UTC  

I hate seeing the death of our beautiful companions.

2018-11-11 01:36:18 UTC  

Doggo is a good boy.

2018-11-11 01:38:02 UTC  

my cat had bone cancer

2018-11-11 01:38:24 UTC  

This shit always makes me cry ❄

2018-11-11 01:38:27 UTC  

it started in his toes of all thing

2018-11-11 01:38:28 UTC  

It always sucks... when our pets die.

2018-11-11 01:38:59 UTC  

my last dog had renal failure. He survived parvo as a pup but it did long term damage to all of his organs

2018-11-11 01:39:07 UTC  


2018-11-11 01:39:20 UTC  

that sounds uncormfortable

2018-11-11 01:39:35 UTC  

I just hate the thought of loosing my good girl. Who has been with me during my darkest moments.

2018-11-11 01:39:39 UTC  

Aka my depression.

2018-11-11 01:40:04 UTC  

got 3 now, all rescues

2018-11-11 01:40:10 UTC  

My cat has diabetes, hes currently in remission, but when its active I have to give him a needle every 8 hrs

2018-11-11 01:40:30 UTC  

My dog is also my ears... I am hard of hearing and tone deaf. I can't hear very well.

2018-11-11 01:40:35 UTC  

He's not even fat :(

2018-11-11 01:40:54 UTC  

Turn the comments on Billie. do it.

2018-11-11 01:41:00 UTC  

though they are trying at times, lol. Like my mastiff that loves toliet drinking if someone forgets the lid up... thats just nasty

2018-11-11 01:41:08 UTC  

She became a integrated part of my life. She is constantly at my side. She is a border collie and very intelligent.

2018-11-11 01:41:44 UTC  

my first cat died of a heart attack right in front of me

2018-11-11 01:41:53 UTC  

Trump is kind of misguided on his attempt there. I know he wants the issue solved so it be more tolerable for the citizens in California.

2018-11-11 01:42:03 UTC  

But he is talking about thousands of arces of forest management.

2018-11-11 01:42:31 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan iirc they took the funds meant for that and reallocated them to daca a while back... it's a mess

2018-11-11 01:42:35 UTC  

Californian forests are neglected

2018-11-11 01:42:37 UTC  

his fault for fucking over the EPA

2018-11-11 01:42:37 UTC  

Rosie is on the left.

2018-11-11 01:43:01 UTC  

@Misomania Well then, they need to be fined big time for that. Isn't that against the law?

2018-11-11 01:43:15 UTC  

I had this awesome doggo growing up. During Xmas, my parents would sometimes wrap a random box of treats for him. He figured out after watching us that whoever the present was put in front of got to open it. So he started opening his own present. He got wrapped presents every year since then, and always enjoyed opening them and getting treats from his gift right away.
About a week before he died, he was having a bad night, and I just spent an hour sitting with him and petting him.

2018-11-11 01:43:34 UTC  

Rosie loves Rescue dogs I foster for a bit.

2018-11-11 01:43:41 UTC  

I foster them till they find homes.

2018-11-11 01:43:51 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan yes, but who will enforce it? they still have sanctuary cities there after all