Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 512573243153186818

2018-11-15 10:20:10 UTC  

Catch 22s.

2018-11-15 10:20:23 UTC  

Which is why I hate fields that are regulated in those ways.

2018-11-15 10:20:45 UTC  

I have had excellent software engineers and mechanical engineers who didn't have a degree.

2018-11-15 10:20:56 UTC  

Or, they said that their college/university was completely useless.

2018-11-15 10:21:05 UTC  

I have a degree and I found it a waste of time.

2018-11-15 10:21:14 UTC  

yeah, that's definitely possible

2018-11-15 10:21:16 UTC  

I learned maybe 5% of what I know in college.

2018-11-15 10:21:23 UTC  

oh for sure

2018-11-15 10:21:26 UTC  

And that's being generous.

2018-11-15 10:21:30 UTC  

most of what you learn is in the field

2018-11-15 10:21:42 UTC  

but you still need the fundamentals to get to that next step

2018-11-15 10:21:45 UTC  

Right. So ... aren't we on the same page then?

2018-11-15 10:21:54 UTC  

kind of

2018-11-15 10:22:02 UTC  

because you still need that 5% to get that first job

2018-11-15 10:22:12 UTC  

which is where the degree comes in

2018-11-15 10:22:18 UTC  

The problem is if they have nothing to show but their word that they learned something at home.

2018-11-15 10:22:19 UTC  

as proof that you know that 5%

2018-11-15 10:22:30 UTC  

But there are many, many ways you can address that.

2018-11-15 10:22:53 UTC  

For example, I like people with coding competitions on their resume.

2018-11-15 10:23:03 UTC  

i think there are the more experience you have but not if two candidates are green

2018-11-15 10:23:04 UTC  

A lot of people who come out of college can't code for shit.

2018-11-15 10:23:20 UTC  

I have had PhD grads who couldn't implement a QuickSort.

2018-11-15 10:23:22 UTC  

that's surprising

2018-11-15 10:23:28 UTC  

At least not in an interview setting.

2018-11-15 10:23:59 UTC  

It's not surprising, because most of the time in college is being spent catching the least experienced up to speed.

2018-11-15 10:24:26 UTC  

They actually teach you how to program in the first few semesters, which is a huge waste of time for the kids who wrote their first lines in basic at 12 years old or so.

2018-11-15 10:24:28 UTC  

those kinds of competitions definitely help but i'm specifically looking at comparing two people getting their first job. the degree definitely gives you a boost

2018-11-15 10:25:11 UTC  

Well, it gives you a boost compared to having no degree, but I didn't think that's what you were referring to.

2018-11-15 10:25:16 UTC  

in your case, would you be able to give them a coding problem and ask them to solve it in an interview

2018-11-15 10:25:21 UTC  

it was

2018-11-15 10:25:30 UTC  

so, we kind of agree

2018-11-15 10:25:34 UTC  

*compared to the same person having no degree

2018-11-15 10:25:38 UTC  


2018-11-15 10:25:58 UTC  

after that, experience is more important. i'm in agreement with that

2018-11-15 10:26:08 UTC  

But I will still stick to my original point: going to college for things you can learn at home is a terrible way to learn, by and large, nowadays.

2018-11-15 10:26:25 UTC  

i agree with that

2018-11-15 10:26:34 UTC  

because you can definitely learn that stuff on your own

2018-11-15 10:26:46 UTC  

And I am so insistent on that, not just because I want to be argumentative, but because I hugely resent the time I wasted in college.

2018-11-15 10:26:56 UTC  

but the degree is (supposed to be lol) the proof that you're competent

2018-11-15 10:27:15 UTC  

Well, it's not anymore.

2018-11-15 10:27:44 UTC  

The candidates with only college degree have been terrible, most of the time.