Message from @H E C K
Discord ID: 514657524285440010
Boomers are the worst.
Imagine ruling over a medium you didn't grow up on.
oh shit. @Scribblehatch that's weird if both them left china
Yo, anyone here wanna Sprite Cranberry?
that shit is fucking scarry
they said the cops in china siezed their hard drives etc
serpentza is still in China at the moment but he and his wife plan on moving over
better their har drives than their organs
Going from ADVChina to ADVMedia, plan to go beyond China.
So tumblr has locked itself to safe mode following the recent child porn fiasco
They may also have done a clean-up on the blogs that posted with tags like #jailbait, but that's unclear
Amazing result
Tumblr still exists? I thought all those Wiccans and other weirdos took over and ran it into the ground years ago
Remember when yahoo bought tumblr
And the first thing they said was
"Dont worry we wont fuck this one up"
And then they started cracking down on porn
For no reason.
oh god
why am I just hearing this now
This was years ago.
wHaT yEaR iS iT
Hey looks guys
Child porn that no one cares about.
why does the last jedi seem like a failed comedy script recorded as a serious movie
Boy do I have the video for you
I think you may have already seen this video but
I mean
This conclusion has been explored in great depth
That Last Jedi is in fact a madcat comedy.
Admiral Genderstudies.
oh damn there was a plinkett review?
It never showed up for me