Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 562913771572559872
“Muh dad”
“Muh son”
She's the story of Fallout 6: Where's my Halo Friends
There is a massive city sized vault, it was the largest one built, it would be cool with a more story oriented spin-off game to deal with living in the vault and what they could do with it.
A dwarf fortress esque sort of game
Vault in Alabama: "Wheres my dadson?"
I don't think it would be good as a fps
Quite unknown Belgian group
It’s not like I started at 7pm
And just now finishing at almost 3
My hands are going to be sore tomorrow
Also, nice Ren.
Looks pretty cool
congrats on jerb Justin
i got fired from mine lol
2 weeks in and i get it in the mail
11 €/hr oh well
dats why imma go to college since i get guaranteed cash for it
might as well bleed the EU for my own gain
That's a good choice
Damn that judge got fuccckkkeeeddd up
I made a gab
Any of you on there?
>niggers have bonobo DNA
>europeans do not
Niggers are monkies confirmed
(In the figure explaining and visualizing that niggers and bonobos share DNA, but europeans don't share bonobo DNA, it tries to explain it away with "muh migrating out of africa that's why" looking at the reference - reference 30 - you see a good bit of kike names show up, so even though no one would believe that hogwash in reference 30, it being spun by kikes makes it extremely bullshit)
Whites and blacks are different
Our organs are not compatible
That's proof enough