Message from @Alpaca13
Discord ID: 620400342667886642
But only if they're high caste aryan invaded indiams
Street shitters don't get peepee
No, they need to be common folks
Give street shitters peepee pics now
I demand
If you are a minor don’t raid me fbi
I give the street shitters violence
I'm 27, you're good
Good good
He’s looking at his peepee
So tell me a little bit about yourself Lorax
*how do you do?*
Do you plant potatoes too
I might later
Ah no potatoes
I haven't started a garden yet
At least, not a food garden
If gonna get agricultural, I'll need to clear more land
I desperately want to but currently yard is over grown so I can’t
We shall clear land together
With @Deleted User
We can all grow potatoes
Ultimately, I'd like my yard to be one huge permaculture setup
I want a seed bank
Or vault? How ever it’s properly called
And hopefully shady enough to have a real moss lawn
I don’t like moss
Why not?
It hides nothing but bugs
Bugs are awesome
It’s good for making a shelter and if you dry it tinder but eh
I don’t appreciate harmful bugs like spiders
Ah, they're nothing
If it’s earth worms then I’m fine, good for ye garden
I have the world's deadliest spider hanging about
He's fine